Why Is My Cat Sleeping More Than usual? Reasons And Solutions

Why is the cat sleeping more than usual? There are several factors that contribute to your cat’s increased slumber. These can range from simple boredom to more serious health issues.

Normal Cat Sleeping Patterns

1. Cats’ Sleep Time

Cats are known to sleep a lot, a typical sleeping pattern ranges from 12 to 16 hours per day.

The typical sleeping pattern of a cat is influenced by their natural instincts as predators, which makes them most active during dusk and dawn.

We refer to this sleeping pattern by cats, as being called crepuscular. It’s during the day when cats conserve their energy by sleeping, allowing them to hunt more effectively at twilight (in times gone past).

a young ginger cat asleep

2. Light Sleeping and Deep Sleeping In Cats

While it may seem like cats sleep deeply all day long, they actually experience two different stages of sleep.

Light Sleep in cats

Light sleep in cats is also known as catnaps. Cats spend around 15 to 30 minutes in light sleep, in which they easily awaken to any potential threats in their environment.

Having a cat nap is an important survival skill for cats, as it helps them stay aware of their surroundings while resting.

I think a cat nap is important for my survival skills too. Nothing beats a cat nap! 😊

Deep Sleep In cats

Deep sleep is when cats fully relax and recuperate. During this stage, they experience rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which is crucial for their overall well-being.

Deep sleeping enables cats to maintain their health and recharge both their body and mind.

There are not exact percentages for time cats spend in light sleeping versus deep sleep. Cats switch between these two stages throughout their sleep cycle.

Understanding our cats normal sleep patterns can help us recognize and address any changes in their behavior that may indicate concerns that need attention.

a cat lying down with eyes half open

Cat Age and Sleeping Habits

1. Younger Cats and Adolescent Cats

In their younger years, house cats tend to be more active and restless, not only during their waking hours but also during periods of sleep.

During deeper sleep, younger cats may experience sleeping patterns that are erratic, resulting in interrupted rest and increased energy expenditure.

This is due to their inherent need for playtime, exploration, and socialization as they grow and develop their senses and physical abilities.

Energy bursts are typical in adolescent cats, so their sleep will differ from that of adult cats.

2. Adult Cats and Set Sleep Schedules

As a cat reaches adulthood, their sleep habits generally become more consistent.

Adult cats tend to reach a more set sleeping schedule, which can range from 12-16 hours per day.

Cats have a natural propensity to be more active during the early morning and evening hours, aligning with their predatory instincts.

However, domesticated cats rest and activity cycles may be influenced by their surroundings, routine, and the presence of their human companions.

active younger cat not ready for sleep

3. Senior Cats and Erratic Sleep Patterns

Senior cats experience changes in their sleep patterns as they age, often requiring more rest than their younger counterparts.

Elderly felines may sleep up to 18-20 hours a day, with more erratic sleep patterns combined with periods of increased activity and alertness.

The sleep patterns of older cats can be attributed to age-related factors such as pain from arthritis, issues with vision or hearing, or reductions in muscle strength and energy levels.

Understanding Cat’s Sleeping Habits

1. Conserving Energy

Cats are natural hunters, and one reason they sleep so much is to conserve their energy for hunting. As predators, they require bursts of high energy to chase down and catch their prey.

We do sometimes see those crazy bursts of energy.

Cats sleep so much, not because they’re lazy, but because it’s a crucial aspect of their survival strategy.

In the wild, cats need to save as much energy as possible to be effective hunters.

2. Light Sleeping Makes Them Ready to Hunt

Another aspect of a cat’s sleeping habits is that they don’t always fall into a deep sleep.

Instead, cats often take short catnaps, which last for 15-30 minutes.

This light sleeping pattern of short catnaps, enables the cat to rest and rejuvenate while still being prepared to react swiftly to potential threats or opportunities to hunt nearby prey.

During a cat nap, cats remain alert and are easily awakened by the slightest noise or movement in their environment.

This ability has also been beneficial for the survival of cats in the wild, as it allows them to remain vigilant against predators and competitors.

We can better understand cat’s sleeping habits by recognizing their need to conserve energy and their penchant for light sleeping, which makes them always ready to hunt.

Pinterest image - why is my cat sleeping more than usual

Signs of Health Concerns

If your cat is sleeping more than usual, it could be a sign of a health concern that requires attention.

In this section, we will discuss some possible causes, focusing on kidney disease and indicators of serious health concerns.

Kidney Disease

One reason for increased sleep in cats could be kidney disease. Cats with kidney disease may experience a decrease in energy levels, making them sleep more than normal. Signs of kidney disease in cats include:

  • Increased thirst and urination

  • Weight loss

  • Decreased appetite

  • Vomiting or diarrhea

If your cat is experiencing any of these symptoms along with increased sleep, it’s essential to consult your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

dad and daughter taking cat to the vet

Serious Health Concern Indicators

Increased sleep may also be indicative of other serious health concerns in cats. Keep an eye out for any of the following indicators, as they could be signs of a more significant issue:


Cats fighting off infections from bacteria, viruses, or other pathogens may become lethargic due to the energy required for the immune response.


Your cat may be experiencing pain that limits their movement or interest in interacting with their environment, leading to more sleep.

Recent vaccination

Cats could become lethargic for a day or two following a vaccination as their immune system responds.

It’s crucial to consult with your veterinarian if you notice any of these symptoms or if your cat’s sleep pattern changes significantly.

Tips for Concerned Cat Owners

Here are some tips to help you determine if there’s an issue with your cat’s sleeping pattern.

1. Observe your cat’s behavior

Pay attention to your cat’s overall behavior and look for any changes in their appetite, grooming habits, and activity levels. If they appear lethargic, uninterested in play or food, or not grooming themselves as much as usual, it may indicate that something is wrong.

2. Consider your cat’s age

If your cat is older, they might naturally sleep more. It’s not uncommon for elderly cats to sleep up to 18 to 20 hours per day.

3. Evaluate your cat’s environment

Ensure your cat has a comfortable and clean sleeping area with the room temperature around 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

Cats sleep more if they are cold, so provide additional heat sources if needed.

4. Monitor your cat’s health

Keep track of your cat’s health by watching for any signs of illness or discomfort. If your cat is exhibiting any unusual symptoms or behaviors, such as vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, coughing, or sneezing, take them to a veterinarian for an examination.

5. Encourage your cat’s activity

Engage your cat in playtime and provide stimulating toys to help ward off boredom. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to more frequent napping, so make sure your cat has plenty of opportunities to explore and expend energy.

Stimulation and Cat Toys

Cat Trees and Activities

Sometimes our feline friends may sleep more than usual.

One reason a cat sleeps more than usual is boredom.

To prevent boredom, we can introduce cat climbing trees and various activities to keep our cats entertained.

 Cat Tree Tower

Cat trees are brilliant because cats love to explore, climb, and scratch which satisfies their natural instincts.

By providing structures like cat trees, in our homes, we can create a stimulating environment for our cats that will help keep them active and engaged throughout the day.

We can also offer our cats toys to play with. Self moving or wind up toys are fantastic in activating their hunting instincts, providing them with mental and physical stimulation during their waking hours.

 Interactive Cat Toy

Frequently Asked Questions

Could my cat’s change in sleep pattern indicate an illness?

A change in your cat’s sleep pattern could indicate an underlying health issue.

Some common reasons for increased sleep in cats include obesity, lack of exercise, or an imbalanced diet.

If your cat is lethargic and sleeping more than usual, it’s possible that they are experiencing an illness that requires veterinary attention.

Should I be concerned if my cat is sleeping all day but still eating?

While cats are known to sleep for long periods, if your cat is sleeping all day but still eating, it could be a sign of boredom.

Provide mental and physical stimulation for your cat to prevent boredom and promote good health.

What are normal cat sleeping positions and how do they change when sick?

Cats typically sleep in various positions, such as curled up, lying on their side, or stretched out. These positions are completely normal and allow your cat to rest comfortably.

If your cat consistently sleeps in an unusual or uncomfortable position, it may be a sign of pain or discomfort due to an illness.

Consult your veterinarian if you notice any changes in your cat’s sleeping positions.

Is it normal for cats to sleep in the same spot all day?

Cats often have favorite sleeping spots, and it’s not uncommon for them to sleep in the same place throughout the day.

However, if your cat is always sleeping in the same spot and shows reluctance to move or engage in regular activities, it could be a sign of an underlying issue.

Why might my cat sleep more during certain seasons?

Cats may sleep more during specific seasons due to changes in temperature and daylight hours. For example, during colder months, you may find that your cat sleeps more to conserve energy.

As the days become shorter, cats may adjust their sleeping patterns to match the amount of available daylight.

vector - two cats reading
Nothing beats a cat nap, or two or three during the day!

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