Are you looking for low cost pet insurance? Do you know the difference between low cost pet insurance and a veterinary discount plan?
You may have answered yes to the first question and no to the second question.
Maybe you haven’t heard of a veterinary discount plan?
Is This A Pet Insurance or Veterinary Discount Plan?
I think it is a fair statement to say that most people are looking at cost when it comes to pet insurance.
Let’s face it, cost is what we all look at first. If the cost is too high we bump that off the list straightaway. Then with insurance there’s all those horrid insurance type words, not to mention filling in forms.
Even just the word “insurance” conjures up things I don’t really want to think about and add a form to be filed in and it will go in my too hard basket.
The thing is though with so many of us having pets now and particularly since Covid, it really does pay to at least have a think about pet insurance, check a few prices and just see what it covers.
So today I am going to be talking about a product called Pet Assure.
With traditional insurance, the normal practice is to pay a premium, visit the vet when needed, and then submit claim forms and wait for reimbursement.
Pet Assure is a little different.
Pet Assure is a Veterinary Discount Plan. They have been helping pet owners save on their veterinary care since 1995. Members receive an instant 25% discount on in-house medical services at participating veterinarians. All pets are eligible. There are no exclusions as to the type, breed, age, or health condition of your pets.
Pet Assure also includes a 24/7 Lost Pet Recovery Service.

How Will You Benefit From Having Cat Insurance?
You may be thinking, “My cat hardly ever needs to go to the vet.” However, even if you are just going to the vet for vaccinations and check-ups, the costs do add up.
Sometimes a check-up can reveal a condition that needs further investigation and, therefore, often more cost.
How often have you heard a colleague or friend bemoan the expense of a visit to the vet for an unforeseen procedure or emergency operation?
Below are some of the most important benefits of pet insurance that may convince you to think twice about using a discount veterinarian plan.
Being Prepared For Emergency Vet Bills
We love our pets; they are part of the family. Often, they are the only family a person will have.
We will pay what it takes for vet bills when needed, but it isn’t always easy to meet veterinary costs and this can be a true financial burden.
Consider how you would deal with an emergency bill.
For instance, your pet may be a senior citizen, and with some policies, older pets cost more to insure.
More alarming is the fact that many cats are too old to be insured at all, and it is at that stage of life when visits to the vet and vet bills start to mount up.
Senior pets are the category of pets most likely to need medical treatment at any given time.
Our dear old cat recently passed away. There’s no doubt that in his old age, he needed far more medical help than he had had his entire life, which meant more trips to the vet and more money for us.
He developed diabetes at around age 14, which required regular visits to the veterinary clinic to check insulin levels plus the cost of the twice-daily insulin injections.
He also took a form of Prozac, so more cost. There were also countless other check-ups and ailments that all required a trip to the vet.

It’s curious that as a society we are comfortable spending tons of money on the right foods, the right bedding, and all the toys your pet can keep count of, so why are we slow or even reluctant to embrace the idea of pet insurance?
As the number of pet owners continues to grow, it is fast becoming a more acceptable and practical idea to have insurance.
With low cost plans, saving on your pet’s veterinary care has never been easier.
Restrictions With Traditional Pet Insurance
Restrictions with pet insurance (not Pet Assure) are mainly concerning pre-existing conditions.
There is that word again, “pre-existing,” which we also have to deal with in our own insurance, particularly travel insurance. Perhaps that’s why I have negative connotations with that word.
A pre-existing condition is a condition that the cat already has, even though you may never have been to the vet regarding the condition. If the cat is diagnosed before the waiting period is up, the pre-existing condition will not be covered. Pet Assure does not work in this manner.
With traditional insurance policies, it is important to read any information about pre-existing conditions with each individual insurance company. As with other types of insurance, home, life, medical, and so on, the benefits vary between different companies.
Pet Assure does not work like this traditional model.

How Pet Assure Works
By paying a minimal annual fee, anyone can easily access pet care on a budget.
With a Pet Assure membership, you also get lost pet recovery program for free.
Although Pet Assure sounds like an insurance plan, it actually offers discounts to pet owners when they visit any of the veterinarians within its huge network, plus discounts on grooming, pet supplies, training, and other services.
It is always important that you schedule a vet’s appointment for your cat or any other pet to get the necessary shots that will prevent disease in the future.
Using Pet Assure, the discount is given when actually visiting the vet, so there is instant relief from financial pressure.
The discount is applied at the veterinary clinic, so there are no forms to fill in and submit. For everyone who dislikes filling in forms (like me, I think I have a problem), this is a big plus.
Every Pet Assure plan offers pet owners a 25% discount on veterinary care from a long list of veterinarians in its extensive network, and pet owners get a 5-35% discount on pet supplies and services ordered from various online merchants and providers of pet-related merchandise.
Signing up to the Pet Assure plan is the easy part. All you have to do is visit the website, select the plan you need and proceed with the plan’s monthly or annual fee.
In all cases, you get instant coverage as soon as you sign up.
You can save some money when you pay the annual fee as it not only saves you the processing fee, but also gives you a two-month free access to one of the most popular pet insurance providers in the market!
More Information About Pet Assure
When it comes to pet insurance, Pet Assure offers simple and affordable access to veterinary care.
However, compared to ordinary pet insurance, Pet Assure has no deductibles and annual limits. A deductible is the amount that you have to pay before ordinary pet insurance kicks in.
You have your own Pet Assure ID card. It is that easy!
There is an instant 25% discount on in house medical services at participating veterinarians. All pets are eligible regardless of age, type or health.
Pet Assure has been serving satisfied pet owners for over 20 years and grows its fan base on a daily basis by offering discount plans that help everyone save on their pet care.
and Finally…
My pets, and I’m sure yours too, are very much a part of the family, which means I take their health care just as seriously as I do everyone else’s health.
If this is the case for you as well, then consider adding Pet Assure to your pet’s budget as well.