Keep mixing some of your current litter with the new litter brand or litter type, until you only use the new litter.
When you add a new cat litter type or brand, make the changes to the cat litter box gradually.
If you start using a new litter all at once, your kitty may start to pee or poop outside the litter pan.
Generally, cats are not creatures of change unless the change is on their terms and timeline.
When it comes to changing a cat’s litter, it’s important to take things slowly and give your cat time to adjust.

How Do You Get A Cat To Use New Litter? a step-by-step guide
- Start by mixing the new litter with the old. Slowly increase the ratio of new to old until you are using only the new litter.
- Create a designated spot for the litter box. If possible, place it in a quiet area where your cat can feel relaxed and comfortable.
- Encourage your cat to use the litter box by offering rewards like treats or petting.
- Be patient and keep the litter box clean. Ultimately, you want to find a litter that your cat enjoys using, so that they will be happy and healthy.
Note: Another idea is to use cat attractant. This is added to the litter you are using. There is no need to buy any special litter.
Cat litter attractant can be used with any litter type to entice a cat to the litter box.
If your cat seems resistant to using the new litter, try a different brand or type of litter.
I know you don’t want to waste the cat litter you have, however there is a really good solution to that problem. This article outlines 21 practical uses for cat litter around the home.

Cat Litter Brands – So Much Choice
Often, your furry friend gives the new brand of litter you buy a paw up or paw down.
Pay attention to how your cat reacts to the litter you put in its litter box. You will know if your cat accepts the cat litter you buy.
The cat may refuse to use the litter box if he or she does not like the litter for some reasons known only to them.

I have been in feline rescue since 1991 and have cared for over 40 fur babies.
I have run the gamut on cat litter brands and am still learning about this confusing cat care issue and occasionally making litter brand changes.
Remember to follow the simple steps above when introducing a new cat litter.