Cat Pooping On Floor Randomly? How To Solve This Quickly

My cat pooped on the floor for the first time.

You might think that pooping on the floor, is only the behavior of older cats. This is not the case as pooping on the floor can also develop in young cats, male or female.

In senior cats, the reasons for pooping randomly may be related to medical issues associated with older age or dementia.

Some kitty sleuth work may be required.

The first and most obvious thing to do is visit the vet to see if there is a medical problem. It is important to rule out or identify medical issues. Otherwise you are operating on guesswork or advice from other cat owners.

It is better to get an expert opinion about your cat, not someone else’s cat.

Medical issues may include urinary tract infection, bladder inflammation, urinary stones and more.

Five Most Common Causes Of Litter Box Rejection Resulting In Random Pooping

If the cat pooping on the floor randomly, is not a medical problem, then what is the cause?

Let’s look at some of the problems and solutions that are not medical and that we as cat owners can control.

cat pooping randomly anywhere

1. Causes of Random Pooping. The Litter Box? The Litter? The Location Of The Litter Box?

Could The Size Of The Litter Box Be The Cause of Random Pooping?

It can be the actual litter box which is causing the pooping anywhere problems. Is the litter box big enough for the cat? If the litter box is too small, then it stands to reason that the cat may have trouble pooping in the box.

The following study reports:

Many litter boxes are also too small for cats. Cats prefer larger boxes so that they can turn around, dig, and eliminate. Boxes should be 1.5 times the size of the cat from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail. Dog litter boxes and plastic storage containers
with an opening make excellent cat boxes.

Meeting the Environmental Needs of Indoor Cats

Do you have an uncovered or covered litter box for your cat?

Although covered litter boxes can be practical for humans, cats don’t always like them.

Covered litter boxes can trap odors inside the litter box, unless they are diligently cleaned.

Also, the cat cannot see what is happening outside the litter box when he is inside a covered box.

He cannot be eyeing an escape route should one be needed.

We may think the cat doesn’t need to plan an escape route, however this is something that is programmed for him from ancestral times and living in the wild, just like the way the fight or flight response is programmed into humans.

If a covered litter box is the only choice for the cat and he doesn’t like the box, he may just poop randomly rather that go into the covered litter box.

Could The Litter Could Be The Cause of Random Pooping?

Pooping randomly may be because of the type of litter that is being used. The litter may be too hard, too soft or any other Goldilocks related reasons.

Consider having a couple of litter boxes with different types of litter to see if there is one that is favored by the cat over the other.

Most cats like an unscented clumping litter.

Have you recently changed the cat’s litter to a perfumed litter? This could be problematic for the cat.

If you are going to change the type of litter, this is the best way to do it.

Add a little at a time, over the top of the usual litter. Gradually replace the litter as the cat becomes accustomed to the new litter.

The Location Of The Litter Box Could Be The Cause of Random Pooping

Think about the location of the litter box? Has the location of the litter box became a scary place for the cat to visit? Does the cat have to pass a dog’s bed to get to the litter box. Is the litter box in a noisy thoroughfare?

If the cat is stressed about getting to the litter box, random pooping may occur.

Cats do like quiet places to pee and poop so it may possible that the litter box is in a less than desirable location. Check it out from the cat’s point of view.

cat in a litter box
I feel a bit exposed here

2. How Clean Is The Litter Box Really?

The litter box may not be clean enough for the cat and therefore he won’t use the box, no matter how smart the litter box may look.

Quite often the cat pooping on the floor randomly can be solved by something as simple as ramping up cat litter cleaning duties.

Kitty says not to take offense here, it is just the way it is. It is important to scoop the litter box daily, regularly change or top up the litter and wash the litter box.

There is detailed information here about keeping a litter box clean and fresh..

important advice about cats urinating

Cats have a very strong sense of smell.

Wherever they have chosen to urinate, it is really important to totally get rid of that smell otherwise the cat will be drawn back to pee at the same spot.

Hard surfaces such as a tiled or hardwood floor can be cleaned thoroughly with your normal household cleaner.

Fabric and carpet must be cleaned with a proven bio enzymatic cleaner for pet urine to really do a good job.

3. Senior Cats And Agility Problems In Using The Litter Box

If your cat is senior and has arthritis or stiff joints, it may be painful when entering and exiting the box.

A box that has a low entry point is essential.

There are various litter boxes that suit senior cats or cats with compromised joint mobility.

Read more to find out about the features to consider in a litter box for a cat with agility problems.

4. Is your cat stressed?

Stress and anxiety cats can sometimes be a cause of litter box avoidance and lead to the cat pooping on the floor randomly.

Cats are very attune to different types of stress in the household.

Things such as, other animals coming into the house, new people in the house, conflict with neighboring cats (if your cat is an outside cat). Even moving furniture can all contribute to stress for the cat and cause litter box problems.

Declawing can also be a major cause of pooping randomly and actively avoiding the litter box.

vector - cat looking scared
Quite a few different things can scare me you know!

Even when some of these stressors are removed, the cat may still continue to urinate and poop outside the litter box thus compounding the problem.

It can become a habit. Humans are the same, we form bad habits that make no sense but we still have them.

It’s not easy to let go of a habit. This makes it another good reason to try and find a solution to the problem, as soon as we are aware that there is a problem.

If your household has multiple cats there is usually one that is dominant and this can cause stress for a more timid cat.

If you don’t already, get multiple litter boxes so that the cat doesn’t have to fear meeting up with his arch enemy on the way to the litter box.

different size cats need different size litter boxes
Who is the boss?

5. Behavioral Issues

The Cat may Develop A Substrate Preference

Another potentially and more difficult issue to solve, is that cats can develop a surface preference. They choose places to urinate or deposit stools based on how the surface feels to them.

Sometimes you will read this referred to as the cat developing a substrate preference. The preference can be carpet or fabric or it may be a hard surface such as a tiled floor or a soft surface such as bedding.

Quite often the cat will have a preference for one or the other so will always choose a soft surface or always choose a harder surface.

One solution is to change the litter based on the cats behavior so choose a softer litter if the cat is urinating on fabric or soft surfaces.

If you notice the cat pooping on the floor randomly but more specifically on carpeted areas, consider putting some carpet in the bottom of the litter box. The carpet can be disposed of or cleaned a necessary. Cover with a small amount of litter.

If you can locate some old carpet squares that would be a relatively easy solution or alternatively if the cat is choosing a hard tiled surface try putting some tiles in the bottom of the box, covered with a small amount of litter.

Gradually add more litter and then remove the carpet or tiles.

a close up of a grey cay
I’m a happy chappy now! I love my litter box!

Consider using a cat litter attractant to lure kitty back to the box.
This may be enough to break the habit. It is often an easy and inexpensive solution. Definitely worth a try!

The problem can be basic cleanliness in the litter box and if you put extra effort into ensuring that the litter box is in top notch shape you may save a lot of time and frustration.

Cleaners To Combat Cat Pooping On Floor randomly

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Your Cat Is not trying to Annoy You By Pooping Randomly

One thing is clear your cat is not pooping on the floor randomly on purpose to annoy you.

Even if you catch the cat in the act he is not going to connect your “crossness” with what he is doing.

Cats do not see their urine and faeces as dirty or disgusting.

Treating the pooping on the floor problem, as soon as it is observed, is the best way to solve the problem.

First of all take the cat to the vet for a check up.

If no medical problems are evident the next thing to do is address any litter box problems.

This make take some investigating.

cat pooping on the floor - Pinterest image
vector - two cats reading
Uncle Bert had this problem. He needed counselling to get over it!

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