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UnCovered Or Covered Litter Boxes? About Both Types.

Uncovered or covered litter boxes? What is the difference and is one type better than the other? There are pros and cons for both types of boxes.

One size doesn’t fit all. Sometimes it is trial and error.

5 Things To Know About Uncovered Litter Boxes
7 Things To Know About Covered Litter Boxes
Making Your own Uncovered Or Covered Litter Boxes
Do you Have A Large Cat? You Need A Large Uncovered/Covered Litter Box!

5 Things To Know About Uncovered Litter Boxes

a cat in an uncovered litter box that i too small
This is an uncovered litter box. It is too small for the cat!

1. Litter Flinging – Use A Litter Box with High Sides

There will be more litter flung about if the cat is using an uncovered box. If your cat flings litter around but you would rather your cat keep using an uncovered litter box, look for a box with high sides.

Some litter boxes have very high sides such as this one. This is also a good litter box for those cats, who are affectionally called high pee-ers.

2. Litter Flinging – Use A Litter Box With A Shield

Some uncovered boxes have a shield that is attached to the box to provide height at the sides without covering the top. Note: if your cat is a high pee-er, check to see if there is a join and where the join is located.

Be aware that boxes with high sides may not be suitable for kittens or senior cats if the front opening is too high for easy entry and exit.

You may need a box with high sides and a low entry point, like this popular box.

3. How To Stop A crawling baby Getting To The Litter Box

A crawling baby may decide to explore an uncovered litter box.

This is a no no and this could be a good time to transition to a closed litter box.

Making the litter box inaccessible to the baby is another option.

A Door Buddy is a brilliant little device to keep the baby and the litter box separated.

It keeps the baby out of the litter box whilst still allowing the cat full access.

Best of all, no tools are needed for installation.

It’s hard, no actually impossible, to be everywhere at once when baby is on the move.

crawling baby and a kitten
Keep a crawling baby away from an uncovered litter box!

4. It is Easier To Scoop An Uncovered Litter Box

It is easier to scoop an uncovered cat litter box. The entire litter box and its contents are visible.

This makes an uncovered litter box, more likely to be scooped regularly.

Just a quick glance at an uncovered litter box and it will be obvious if the box needs scooping.

5. Cats can Take off Quickly From An Uncovered Litter Box

Cats like to be able to take off in a hurry, which is a good reason for using an uncovered box.

The cat can see who or what is entering their litterbox stratosphere and take off if they need to.

Click here to see Uncovered Cat Litter Boxes

7. Things To Know About Covered Litter Boxes

a cat litter box that is covered
A typical example of a covered litter box!

1. A covered Litter Box Helps Stop Litter From Spreading

Does your cat fling litter around? If so, the mess from litter flinging can be a nightmare.

A covered cat litter box will help to keep the litter contained to the litter box.

The litter box shown above, is a covered litter box with a front opening, so the cat enters via the door or opening at the front of the litter box.

Another type of litter box that is a covered litter box but has a top opening, rather than a front opening. With a top opening litter box, the cay jumps up onto the top of the litter box and the opening is at the top.

These litter boxes are also designed to help stop litter tracking.

 Top Entry Cat Litter Box with Scoop

2. How easy is it To Clean A Covered Litter Box?

You may wonder how easy it is to clean a covered litter box. Usually, the upper half of a covered litter box unclips. The top can then be lifted off and removed totally, for easy cleaning.

This can however, be a hindrance for some people. One manufacturer of closed litter boxes have addressed this issue.

The Catit Hooded Cat Litter Pan has a door/flap at the front where the cat enters, that can also be flipped open and up and then sliding to a larger opening.

This means that there is ample space to scoop the litter box without having to unclip the upper and lower half of the litter box.

 Easy Access for Cleaning Enclosed Litter Box

3. Does odor Get Trapped In A Covered Litter Box?

Covered litter boxes often have a filter, giving ongoing odor control. However, being enclosed also means that the odor can get trapped in the box.

As cats have a keen sense of smell this can be off putting for the cat unless the litter box is scooped regularly. Scooping the litter box, at least once a day is recommended.

Out of sight often means out of mind and an enclosed litter box may not be scooped as often as it should be, because it is not obvious to the eye that it needs scooping.

Look for a filter if you are considering an enclosed litter box.

4. Do Covered Litter Boxes Look Better Than uncovered Litter Boxes?

Aesthetically, covered litter boxes look better than uncovered litter boxes, as the litter itself is not on view.

This may be relevant if your living space is small. If your cat is happy with a covered litter box, there are some fantastic covered litter box options that fit with home decor.

Some cat litter boxes fit inside furniture that is purpose made for cat litter boxes, so a functional piece of furniture that doubles as a cat litter box.

5. Check the size of a covered Litter Box

If you decide on a covered litter box, make sure that it is large enough, so that the cat doesn’t feel trapped and can easily turn around.

6. There’s Not As Much Aur Circulation In A Covered Litter Box

There is not as not as much air circulation in an enclosed box, so it does takes longer for the litter to dry.

7. Does Your Cat Have Respiratory Problems?

The dust from some litters can cause problems for asthmatic cats in an enclosed box. Choose a dust free litter if you think this will be the case.

Click here to see more Covered Cat Litter Boxes!

Can You Make Your own Uncovered Or Covered Litter Box?

You do not necessarily need to purchase a purpose made litter box.

If you plan to DIY and make a litter box, think about whether you want an uncovered or covered litter box, as this will impact, the choice that you make regarding the height of the containers you choose.

A plastic container that suits all the size requirements for your cat is okay to use.

Regarding size, think one and a half times as long as your cat, approximately for the length of the box.

Cut a doorway in the longer side of the plastic container.

The reason for the door being cut in the long side of the box is because as the cat enters, it is forced to turn around to accommodate its body length and this means pee cannot accidentally fly out of the opening. Yep, we have to outsmart the cat.

Make sure the opening is cut a little higher than the litter level. Obvious point I know, but we all suffer from brain fade sometimes.

Which Litter Box For A Large Cat?

man holding a very large cat
Yes, my cat is large!

We have your large cat covered. How do you choose a litter box for a large cat?

If your cat is very large there is information below, about firstly, how to choose the best litter box for large cats and information about the best covered litter boxes for large cats and information about the best open top litter boxes for large cats. The links are all below.

Just A Few Final Thoughts

Now you have the information to help you make a decision about choosing a covered litter box or an uncovered litter box.

Make a list of the features that you want in a litter box.

It becomes easier to browse, because some boxes you can rule out straightaway.

Make a short list. The measurements of the litter box is definitely necessary and the space where the litter box will be located, specially if the space for the litter box is quite tight.

It doesn’t take long to do this and it is much better than having a stab in the dark and hoping for the best.

vector - two cats reading
I’m quite liking the cover for the litter box that looks like a piece of furniture. Very cool!

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