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Six Easy Ways to Stop Cat Litter From Going Everywhere

What is the solution to stop cat litter from going everywhere? Cat litter goes everywhere because the litter sticks to the cat’s fur and paws, after the cat has used the litter box.

To make matters worse, some cats kick and fling litter everywhere.

So much sticking, kicking, and flinging! No wonder we have problems with it!

It’s no fun stepping in cat litter, especially with bare feet! It’s not quite as bad as stepping on Lego blocks, but it’s up there!

Six Ways To Stop Cat Litter From Going Everywhere

Table of Contents
1. Use A Decent Litter Mat To Stop Litter In Its Tracks
2. Is The Litter Box Working As It Should To Stop The Spread Of Litter?
3. How To Reduce Litter Tracking With A Cardboard Box. Huh? Read more…
4. Choice of Litter – Some are Low Tracking
5. Invest In A Robust Vacuum Cleaner
6. Grooming
7. Toilet Train The Cat
vector - a cat vacuuming
Great Job kitty! Oh look, there’s more litter over there!

1.Use A Decent Litter Mat To Stop Litter In Its Tracks

A litter mat sounds like an obvious solution to stop litter spreading, and it is, but there are different types of litter mats.

Ask yourself these questions about the current litter mat you are using.

Is the litter mat you are using large enough?

Does it cover enough surface area to really do a good job?

Does it actually stop the litter and trap the litter?

Unless you are only protecting the surface of the floor from the litter box, most of the litter mat should be in front of and to the sides of the box and not underneath it.

Some litter mats don’t really stop the spread of litter. You need the best litter mat.

This is also true of the Welcome door mats we have at the front door of our home.

Some work well, don’t they? Others just don’t. The one I have at the moment is pretty but not really doing a great job.

The litter mats shown below all have one thing in common. They are effective at trapping litter because they have been designed to solve the “cat getting litter everywhere” problem.

These mats are called litter trappers because there are two layers which actually trap the litter. The top layer has a honeycomb structure for the litter to fall through.

To empty the mat, pick up the mat and empty the litter back into the litter box. Voila! If any litter gets lodged in the top layer, the mat can be rinsed.

It is also worth running the vacuum over the litter mat when vacuuming in the general area.

This simple change to using a bigger and better litter mat can make a big difference with litter spread.

The incredibly popular Pieviev Litter Mat below comes in two sizes, the largest being 30″ x 24″, which is large.

 Cat Litter Mat Double Layer Waterproof Urine Proof Trapping Mat

Here are some other litter trappers.

2. Is The Litter Box Working To Stop The Spread Of Litter?

Whatever type of litter box you have, always go for the biggest litter box that will comfortably fit in the space you have. Yes, that will mean the box will take more litter but go for a good budget option to solve this problem.

Is the litter box you are currently using an open top litter box? Think about a covered litter box or a top entry litter box to help stop litter spreading.

A top entry litter box is the best box to reduce litter tracking.

Is a top entry litter box, it the best choice for your cat?

Top entry litter boxes are not suitable for kittens and may not be suitable for senior cats.

Many of the top entry boxes have a textured surface on the top designed for the litter to stay on top of the box. Not 100% guaranteed to work, some cats cut out the middleman and fly out of the box without even touching the textured top of the litter box.

You may not think you need a giant litter box, and you don’t want to be tripping over the litter box, however, research shows that larger litter boxes are definitely better for kitty and definitely better for stopping the spread of litter.

Consider the space you have and whether a bigger box could be an option.

A larger litter box will mean less litter on the floor.

Here is a simple method to find the approximate best size litter box for your cat. Measure the cat from the top of his nose to the base of his tail. The box should be one and a half times that measurement.

If your cat is large, there is a good chance that litter is going to be difficult to contain.

The problem may be that the litter box is too small. This article is about litter boxes for large kitties.

If your cat hasn’t used a covered litter box or a top entry litter box before, the cat may need some transition time to adjust to the new litter box.

Leave the old litter box in place for some time, so that the cat has time to adjust to the new box.

3. How To reduce Litter Tracking With A Cardboard Box

A cardboard box can help contain the litter with very little extra effort and no cost.

Wait a minute! I may have to order something online to get another cardboard box – just kidding!

This is a handy tip that doesn’t involve buying a new litter box or anything else and it works brilliantly well.

Often, the litter box we already have is quite adequate. Even if something better comes along, it just isn’t always practical or economical to keep updating. Did I say that?

What to do with the cardboard box?

Using your current litter box, place a larger cardboard box over the litter box. Leave the front open or cut a large front opening if necessary for the cat to enter and exit.

cardboard box to help litter spread

Alternatively, leave the base, the sides, and the back of the cardboard box. Cut away the top of the box and the front. Experiment to see what works best for you.

This actually makes an enclosed litter box.

You will need to source the right size cardboard box. We know how much cats like boxes so it will work like a charm.

Get the kids to paint the box or decorate the box. When the box starts to look less than stellar, it can easily be replaced. The box could also be covered with paper or contact.

This will help contain the litter with very little extra effort and no cost.

Have you considered making your own cat litter? This may be totally off your radar, but it is a money saver and you could invent your own non-tracking litter.

4.Choose A low tracking Cat Litter

Choosing the right litter can make a big difference in reducing litter tracking.

Some litters stick to a cat’s paws and fur, leading to litter being tracked throughout the house.

To get rid of this problem, consider using a low tracking litter that has larger particles. It will be less likely to stick.

Some examples of low tracking litter include wood pellet litter, paper based litter, or crystal litter.

Wood Pellet Cat Litter

 Natural Wood Cat Litter

Crystal Cat Litter

Crystal  Cat Litter

Paper Cat Litter

 Recycled Paper Cat Litter

5. Invest In A Robust Vacuum Cleaner For Cat Litter Spread

two cats watching a robot vacuum cleaner
Just what is going on? I love the look on the kitties faces.

Not all vacuum cleaners are created equal however, there are vacuum cleaners that do specifically target pet hair.

Choose a vacuum that is going to do the job of picking up cat litter and cat hair.

This article covers choosing a pet vacuum cleaner, a handheld vacuum or a carpet sweeper, and explains the functions of the different appliances.

A TIP: Sweep the litter into a corner before you vacuum.
It saves time.
Aren’t we all about saving time?

Do we like vacuuming? Ho hum! There are ways to make the chore easier.

Yes, Mr Dyson I’m talking to you. I’ll admit, I’m a convert. It’s a piece of cake to whip around vacuuming cat litter and cat hair.

Done daily, it is not so much of a chore.

I do not have a robot vacuum, but friends who have, speak glowingly of them.

Borrowing one if possible before purchasing, would be useful to see if it would work in your situation.

6. Grooming

If your cat likes to groom itself after using the litter box, a designated area with a mat or towel, may help reduce the litter going too much further. This can help prevent litter from being tracked around the house.

Most cats will not require the following advice, however if you have a long haired breed, the hair between the toes, on the cat’s paws, may need to be trimmed on occasion. The hair can become excessively long and trap litter. It should then be done sparingly and with a pair of rounded end scissors.

This is not a practice that is generally advised because the tufts are there to cushion and protect the paws from the ground.

Some cats with luxurious paws can find the excess hair on their paws irritating and may lick at the area or try to pull out tufts.

If you suspect this may be a problem, get specialist advice from a vet or groomer.

Keeping the cat’s litter box in tip-top shape will ensure that the cat is happy. There’s nothing difficult here, just common sense.

stop cat litter going everywhere

7.Toilet Train The Cat – No more Litter

vector - cat sitting on a toilet reading the paper
Come on out kitty! You’ve been in there long enough.

OK, this is somewhat controversial and I have only included this idea for those cat owners who really want to try this method.

I have not done this and have no desire to do this, however I would welcome any comments from cat owners who have done this successfully, or tried and kitty wouldn’t cooperate.

I direct you to this article that gives good advice if this is the path you choose to follow.

vector - two cats reading the paper
The cardboard box option is an excellent idea. A sort of mini retreat for us!

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6 thoughts on “Six Easy Ways to Stop Cat Litter From Going Everywhere”

  1. Hi Kat
    Cat’s nail should be trimmed approximately every two weeks. You can always get the vet to trim the nails when you visit. You may also find one of the electric nail trimmers easy to use. They grind the nail so it’s is not quite such an ordeal as it can be with some cats (and dogs). Ping pong balls are great cat toys. If you are like us, they often roll away into hard to reach places. Luckily they are inexpensive. It sounds like Lacey is a very special part of your life.

  2. Hi Sharon
    It sounds as though you have tried different types of litter and that has made no difference. One idea would be to choose cat furniture where the litter box is placed inside. These items actually look like pieces of furniture. The litter will probably still be spread around inside the unit however it won’t be noticeable and will drastically cut down your clean up time. Another idea is the Modkat top entry litter box or any type of top entry litter box. They do cut down on litter mess from the diggers and flingers in our life. You could also place the litter box in the shower stall. Once again this is a litter containment idea. Put a mat under the box to stop any litter from going down the drain. That’s a no no. Great that he uses his litter box. He’s just a bit over enthusiastic. Good luck! Let us know if you have any success.

  3. I have a covered litter box with an opening on the side. He has litter all over the floor as he is so aggressive with digging to find a spot he wants to go. I have tried clay litter, pretty litter which was worse as it is lighter, and paper litter. He does the same thing outdoors. He is an aggressive burier. He is a rescue cat which I rescued at two months old but has never once since day one not used his litter box. I am thankful for that. Any suggestions would be welcome.

  4. My cat is a talker. And very playful.
    She wants to drink out of the faucet. I cover it but she still tries. Loves a ping pong ball to play with.
    How often do their nails need trimming? Lacey is special and was sent to me to ease my days and smile and laugh a lot.

  5. He really is showing his displeasure isn’t he? Not an easy one to answer. I would suggest giving him some attention when you first arrive home. Scoop him up and give him a quick cuddle before you go about doing what you need to do and have more time to spend with him.

  6. when I have been gone from him for several hours my cat comes to greet me with a bite on the back of my leg. WHY?

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