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Why Does My Cat Drool When She Purrs? Good Or Bad Or Okay?

Why does my cat drool when she purrs? One theory why a cat drools when she purrs, is that it’s simply a by-product of the vibration. When a cat’s muscles are vibrating at such a high frequency, it’s not surprising that some saliva would be produced as well.

Does your cat drool? I usually think of dogs, when I think of drooling, but cats can be droolers too, just not to the same extent as dogs.

Key Takeaways

Cats purr and cats drool, and sometimes at the same time. If the cat is contented it is probably not a problem.

We also know that cats can hide symptoms of discomfort so if there are signs of excessive salivation or if the drooling occurs more often, visit the vet for a check-up.

Even if you only think that there might be a problem, speak to your vet immediately.

It is far better to have peace of mind knowing that there is either nothing to worry about or if there is a problem, that there are treatment options available.

why does my cat drool when she purrs - pinterest image

Why Does My Cat Drool When Purring?

While we might think of cat purring as a sign of contentment in cats, there are several different reasons why cats purr. One of the most common reasons is simply because they’re happy and comfortable, but cats may also purr when they’re feeling nervous or stressed.

Some experts believe that purring may also be a way for cats to heal themselves, as the low-frequency vibrations can promote tissue regeneration.

Whatever the reason, it’s clear that purring is an important part of feline communication – so if your cat is purring and drooling, there’s no need to worry!

By the way, do you think your cat purrs when sleeping?

You may like to read this article for cats purring and sleeping clarification.

British cat purring

Why Is My Cat Is Drooling But Acting Normal?

While it may not be the most pleasant sight, drooling is quite normal for cats.

Saliva helps them to keep their fur clean and healthy and also aids in the digestion of their food.

Cats may drool when they’re feeling relaxed or when they smell something particularly appealing, such as their favorite type of food.

Why Is My Cat Is Drooling More Than Usual?

If your cat drools more than usual, it’s important to observe their behavior and see if there are any signs of illness. If they seem otherwise normal, there’s no need to worry. However, if they are also acting lethargic or refusing to eat, it’s best to take them to the vet for medical attention.

Cat drooling can have different causes, for example, excitement, stress, hot weather, and certain health conditions. Drooling in cats can also be a sign of an underlying medical condition, such as kidney disease or liver disease.

Increased drooling can also be a sign of a health problem such as dental issues, including gum disease, mouth ulcers, or tooth injuries. It’s important to keep an eye on your cat’s oral health. Regular brushing and dental check-ups can help to prevent these issues.

Some medical conditions can also cause cats to drool, so if your cat is drooling excessively, it’s always best to check with your veterinarian to rule out any potential health problems.

When Is Cat Drooling A Health Concern?

Any excessive drooling in cats is a concern Excessive drooling can be caused by dental problems, gastrointestinal difficulties, or even heatstroke.

When your cat starts drooling and stops eating, it can be a sign of trouble.

In some cases, cats drool and stop eating due to nausea or gastrointestinal issues.

One possibility is that your cat may have an infection or foreign body in the mouth or throat, which can lead to drooling and loss of appetite.

Oral and Dental Diseases Can Cause Drooling

Teeth and gums can develop problems in cats without detection, and this pain and inflammation causes cat salivation and drooling.

This cause of cat drooling is widely acknowledged.

cat having teeth examined by the vet to check for drooling

Your veterinarian will carry out a dental diagnosis requiring an oral examination.

A thorough cleaning of the cats teeth is often required which is performed under anesthesia. The vet will also be able to undergo a comprehensive examination while the cat is anesthetized.

The cat may have a dental problem, such as an infection or tooth decay. Treatment options include antibiotics, tooth extraction, and root canal therapy.

Why Is My Cat Is Drooling After Flea Treatment?

If your cat drools after the administration of a pyrethrum-based flea control product, the cat may be showing signs of toxicity.

The common signs of toxicity are increased salivation and muscle tremors. Take your cat to the vet immediately. Med Vet For Pets gives practical information here but don’t delay and get to the vet as soon as possible.

Another key issue to note: Never use dog flea treatment on your feline. This is because firstly they are meant and made for dogs and hence use different chemicals.

Cats have a very different physiology than dogs and are much more sensitive to the active ingredients in flea medications.

Flea medication meant for dogs can cause serious side effects in cats, including drooling, vomiting, seizures, coma, and even death.

My Cat Is Stressed and Drooling

Cats drool when they feel anxious or stressed. Stress causes brain reactions that increase salivation levels in cats.

A stressful event for a cat can be anything that causes them fear, anxiety, or discomfort.

Some common examples of stressful events for cats include, loud noises or sudden changes in their environment.

A cat’s anxiety levels can be increased when separated from its owner, or interacting with unfamiliar people such as a pet sitter.

In addition to these external stressors, health issues can also contribute to a cat’s stress levels. For example, a cat who is in pain or has an underlying medical condition may be more prone to stress.

If you think your cat is experiencing stress, it’s important to observe the cat’s body language and behavior and look for signs of distress such as excessive grooming, hiding, or vocalizing.

If you’re unsure what is causing your cat’s stress, you may want to consult with a veterinarian or certified animal behaviorist for help.

stressed cats like this one may drool

Toxins Can Cause Cat Drooling

If your cat drools more than usual, it could be a sign that something is wrong.

Excessive drooling in cats can be a sign of toxicity. Common toxins that can cause cat drooling include plants, household cleaners, and certain human medications. In some cases, the drooling may be accompanied by other symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and difficulty breathing.

If your cat has been chewing on plants, there is a possibility that they have ingested a poisonous substance.

Some common household plants that are toxic to cats include lilies, tulips, and azaleas.

Ingesting even a small amount of these plants can cause drooling, vomiting, and difficulty swallowing in cats.

Other indications of toxicity in cats include lethargy, weakness, and seizures.

If you believe your cat has been exposed to a toxin, it’s important to seek veterinary care immediately. The sooner the cat receives treatment, the greater the chances of a full recovery.

Upper Respiratory Infections Can Cause Drooling

When a cat has an upper respiratory tract infection, it can cause them to drool. This is because the cat is having trouble breathing and their nose is congested.

To help the cat breathe, they will open their mouth and pant. This creates more saliva which then dribbles out of their mouth. If your cat is drooling and you suspect they have an upper respiratory infection, take them to the vet as soon as possible.

The vet can give them antibiotics to clear up the infection. In the meantime, you can help your cat by making sure they have plenty of water to drink and by wiping their face with a damp cloth.

Nausea Can Cause Drooling In Cats

Your cat’s drooling may be a sign of nausea. Nausea is a common cause of drooling in cats. When a cat feels nauseous, she may drool. In some cases, nausea can also cause a cat to regurgitate food or liquids.

If your cat is drooling and showing other signs of nausea, such as lack of appetite or lethargy, it’s important to take her to the vet for an examination.

Increased Drooling – One Symptom of Heatstroke

a cat panting in hot weather

Increased drooling can be one of the first signs that a cat is overheating. When a cat’s body temperature rises above 104 degrees Fahrenheit, they begin to pant to cool down. However, if the environment is too hot or the cat is unable to cool down, their body temperature will continue to rise.

At this point, the cat may start to experience symptoms such as increased drooling, dizziness, weakness, panting, lethargy, vomiting, and confusion.

If left untreated, heat stroke can be fatal. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the signs of heat stroke and take immediate action if your cat appears to be overheating.

When Should I See A Veterinarian About My cat Drooling?

Knowing the difference between normal panting and drooling and any sign of a problem is down to observation, and close attention. Know what is normal for your cat and you will be able to spot when something is abnormal.

Some cats are happy droolers and purr at the same time in a perfectly normal way.

However, drooling throughout the day or frequently indicates there are health problems with your pet.

vector - two cats reading
Remember when a tooth infection caused drooling dear? Very unpleasant!

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