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Top 10 Fluffballs – Discover the Best Indoor Cat Breeds for Your Home

In this article, we will explore the best indoor cat breeds that are friendly, sociable, and adaptable to living in confined spaces.

Top Indoor Cat Breeds

Table Of Contents

Here are some of the top breeds that we recommend for living indoors.

1. Sphynx Cat

One of the top indoor cat breeds is the Sphynx.

Despite their hairless appearance, Sphynx cats are known for their affectionate and sociable nature.

They are often referred to as “Velcro cats” because of their tendency to stick to their owners’ laps.

a Sphynx cat without any whiskers
You are too adorable!

The hairless Sphynx is a friendly and sociable cat that loves to stick to its owner’s lap.

Despite their lack of fur, they are not hypoallergenic, and they require regular bathing to keep their skin healthy.


A sphynx cat requires a bit more maintenance than other cat breeds. Because Sphinx cats lack fur, they are more susceptible to sunburn and skin irritation.

It’s important to keep them out of direct sunlight and to regularly clean their skin with a damp cloth.

They also need to be bathed regularly to remove any oils that can build up on their skin.


Sphynx cats are not for everyone.

They are a high energy breed that loves to play and interact with their humans.

They are also known for being quite vocal, so if you’re looking for a quiet cat, a Sphynx may not be the best choice.


If you do decide to bring a Sphynx cat into your home, you’ll find that they are incredibly affectionate and love to cuddle.

Sphynx cats also quite intelligent and can be trained to do tricks and even walk on a leash.

Living with our Sphinx cat, Luna, as an indoor-only pet has been quite the experience!

On the positive side, we never have to worry about finding cat hair on our furniture or clothes, which is a huge plus.

Luna is also incredibly affectionate and loves to cuddle up with us whenever we’re lounging on the couch.

However, there are a few downsides to having a Sphinx indoors.

For one, we have to keep the temperature in our house a bit warmer than we’d like to ensure Luna stays comfortable.

Also, since she doesn’t have fur to absorb her natural oils, we have to bathe her regularly, which can be a bit of a challenge.

A funny thing happened when we had guests over, and Luna decided to jump up on the dinner table, startling everyone with her unique appearance. She then proceeded to steal a piece of chicken right off my plate (actually I’m not real happy about this), But we all laughed at her mischievous behavior.

Overall, having Luna as our indoor Sphinx cat has been a rewarding and entertaining experience, despite the occasional quirks!

2. British Shorthair Cat

British Shorthair
Look at you, you cuddly kitty!

The British Shorthair cat is a popular indoor cat breed, known for its round face and chubby cheeks. It is adorableness personified.

The British Shorthair cat is easy going with a docile nature and a calm and laid back personality.

They are adaptable, making them a great choice for apartment living.

They are not overly demanding for attention, but they enjoy the company of their humans and other pets.


British Shorthairs are a medium size to large size cat with a muscular build and a round face.

They have short, dense fur.

To me, they always look very neat and tidy and I do love them.


British Shorthairs cats are known for their easy going and affectionate nature.

They are not very vocal and tend to be independent, but they also enjoy spending time with their owners.

British Shorthairs are great with children and other household pets, making them an excellent choice for families.


British Shorthairs can be prone to certain health issues such as obesity and heart disease.

Regular exercise and a balanced diet can help prevent these problems.


These cats have short fur that requires minimal grooming.

A weekly brushing is usually enough to keep their coat shiny and healthy.


British Shorthairs typically live for 12-17 years, although some can live longer with proper care.

I’m a thirty year old living in an apartment and can confidently say that having a British Shorthair cat as an indoor only pet has been a wonderful experience.
My cat, Oscar has a laid back and affectionate nature and is a perfect companion for apartment living.

As a breed, British Shorthairs are content with staying indoors and don’t require a lot of space to be happy.

Oscar’s coat is low maintenance requiring minimal brushing and rarely mats. I know they can be prone to obesity, so I’m keeping an eye on his food intake and encouraging playtime.

One funny incident that comes to mind is when Oscar, discovered his reflection in the full-length mirror for the first time. He was utterly confused and kept pawing at his twin, trying to figure out who this other cat was. It was hilarious to watch him getting offended by his own reflection, puffing up his chest and staring intently at the mirror. Eventually, he lost interest and walked away.

Oscar a British Shorthair cat
Hello Oscar!

3. Maine Coon Cat

Maine Coon cat with long whiskers
Yes, you are amazing!

The Maine Coon is a large and majestic cat breed that suits indoor living.

They are known for their friendly and outgoing personalities, they are loyal and enjoy being around people.

Despite their large size, they are gentle and make great family pets.

One Family’s Experience With A Maine Coon Indoor Cat

As a mother with primary school aged children, I have to say that having a Maine Coon cat as an indoor only pet, has been an absolutely wonderful experience for our family, albeit with a few challenges.

On the positive side, our Maine Coon is incredibly affectionate and gentle with the children.
She keeps the kids entertained for hours, and they love watching her chase toys and jump to impressive heights.

However, there are some drawbacks to keeping such a large cat indoors.
Maine Coons require plenty of space to move around and exercise and we have invested in a tall cat tree.

The long, thick coats needs regular brushing to prevent mats and hairballs. Our cat is still a kitten. The kids can help with grooming as she gets older and they are shown what to do.

We do have to be mindful of keeping small objects out of reach, as our curious kitten tends to explore and sometimes knocks things over.

We couldn’t imagine our home without her.

Maine Coon Kitten on a tall cat tree
Hello Gorgeous!


With its long fur, muscular build, and bushy tail, the Maine Coon has a unique and distinctive appearance.

A typical adult Maine Coon is a very large cat, often weighing between 12-18 pounds with a total length (including tail) of 30-50 inches.

They have big, robust bodies and can rival small dogs in size.


Maine Coons are known for being gentle, playful, and affectionate companions with a calm and intelligent temperament. They are the most delightful cats.


Due to their long silky coat, Maine Coons do require regular brushing and combing to prevent matting and keep their fur shiny and untangled.


If given proper medical care and a nutritious diet, Maine Coons have a lifespan similar to the average domestic cat of 12-15 years.

4. Siamese

The Siamese cat is a vocal and intelligent cat breed that thrives in indoor environments.

They are highly social and require plenty of attention and playtime to stay happy and healthy.

These cats are also known to exhibit kitten like bursts of energy and playful personalities.


They are known for their long, sleek, slender bodies, striking blue eyes and distinctive coat pattern.


Siamese cats are highly intelligent and active, making them a great choice for families who are looking for a playful and engaging pet.

They are also very social and love to be around people, often following their owners around the house and seeking attention.


Siamese cats are known for being very talkative and expressive, often communicating with their owners through a variety of meows, chirps, and other sounds.


Siamese are relatively low maintenance.

Their short, fine fur requires minimal brushing, and they are generally very clean animals. .

Having a Siamese cat as an indoor-only pet has been a unique and rewarding experience for our family. |

Our Siamese cat is incredibly affectionate and loves to be around people, making her a wonderful companion for my children. She is always eager to play and cuddle, which helps to create a warm and loving atmosphere in our home.

Our Siamese cat does vocalize frequently and loudly.
She often meows to communicate her needs or simply to engage with us, which can be endearing but also disruptive at times, especially when the children are trying to sleep or concentrate on their homework.

Siamese cats require regular mental stimulation and interaction to prevent boredom and destructive behaviors. This means dedicating time each day to play with her, which the kids love doing.

5. Ragdoll Cat

Ragdoll Cat

The Ragdoll is a gentle and affectionate cat breed that is suited to indoor living.

They are known for their soft, fluffy coat and gentle and docile personality.

They are great with children and other pets, and they enjoy being around their humans.


Ragdoll cats are large, muscular cats with long, fluffy coats.

They come in a variety of colors, including seal, blue, chocolate, and lilac.

Their eyes are always blue.


Ragdoll cats are laid back and have affectionate personalities.

They are often called “lap cats” because they love to cuddle and be close to their owners.

They are also very social and get along well with other pets and children.


Ragdoll cats require grooming regularly to keep their long, dense coats, healthy and tangle-free.

They also need regular vet check ups to ensure they stay healthy and happy.

I own a Ragdoll cat, I can confidently say that they make wonderful indoor companions.
My Ragdoll, Missy Moo, has been a constant source of joy since the day I brought her home.
She has a soft, silky coat and the most mesmerizing blue eyes.
What I love most about Missy Moo is her puppy like behavior.
She follows me around the house, the lil cutie.

Living in an apartment, I was initially concerned about keeping a cat indoors, but Missy Moo is fine indoors. She’s content with her interactive toys, scratching post, and cozy bed.

6. Burmese Cats

Burmese Cat

Burmese cats are medium sized cats that are known for their muscular bodies, rounded heads, and expressive gold eyes.

They have a short, shiny coat that is easy to maintain.


Burmese cats have a great personality. They are loving, attentive, and inquisitive.

They are also accomplished conversationalists and will happily engage in a conversation with their owners.

Family oriented

Burmese cats love to be around people.

They are not the type of cats that will hide away when guests come over.

Instead, they are curious cats that will be right in the middle of the action, eager to be a part of the fun.


A Burmese cat is generally healthy and has a life expectancy of 12-16 years.

They are prone to certain health problems, such as hypokalaemia and cranial deformities, so it’s important to keep an eye on their health and take them to the vet regularly.

They are a great indoor cat breed that will love relaxing around the house with their owners.

Well, my Bengal cat is quite the character! He’s super active and curious, always exploring every nook and cranny of my apartment. I’ve made sure to provide him with plenty of stimulation indoors – I have several tall cat trees he loves to climb, lots of interactive toys, and I play with him regularly.

I’ve also Bengal-proofed my place pretty well. I keep fragile items out of reach since he can be quite the acrobat! I’m lucky that my apartment has some high ceilings which gives him more vertical space to climb and survey his domain from above.

As for going outside, I think he would absolutely love to explore the great outdoors. However, I live in a busy area and worry about letting him roam freely outside with the traffic and other hazards.

Instead, I’ve trained him to walk with a harness and leash. We go on short adventures outside together which he really seems to enjoy – all the new sights, sounds and smells are great enrichment for him.

All in all, I think he’s quite content and thriving as an indoor cat given that I provide a stimulating environment and some supervised outdoor time. A bored Bengal can quickly become destructive! But with some creativity, you can keep even an indoor Bengal happy and fit, even in an apartment like mine.

7. Russian Blue Cat

Russian Blue Cat

The Russian Blue cat is a beautiful breed that is known for its distinctive blue-gray coat, emerald green eyes, and elegant appearance.

A Russian Blue is one of the best breeds for homebodies, thanks to their calm and reserved personalities. You can’t help but love a Russian Blue. Just looking at this photo makes me go ahhh!


Russian Blues are intelligent and observant, and they love to play.

They are also independent and can entertain themselves while their owners are away. However, they love company and will often follow their pet owners around.


These cats are generally healthy and have a lifespan of around 15-20 years.

They are also hypoallergenic, which makes them a great choice for people with allergies.


Russian Blues are known for their quiet and reserved personalities, but they are also playful and enjoy jumping and climbing to high places.

They are not as active as some other breeds, but they do require regular exercise to stay healthy and happy.


When it comes to grooming, Russian Blues have short, dense fur that requires minimal maintenance.

They shed very little, which makes them a great choice for people who don’t want to deal with a lot of cat hair.

In a cozy home, a Russian Blue cat named Angel is cherished by two boys from different generations – a ten-year-old named Liam and his eighty-year-old grandfather, Oliver.
As an indoor only cat, Angel relies on her family to provide for her needs.

Liam takes on the responsibility of playing with Angel daily, using interactive toys to keep her mentally stimulated and physically active. He also ensures that her water bowl is always clean and filled with fresh water.

On the other hand, Oliver, with his years of experience, gently grooms Angel with a soft brush, keeping her coat healthy and shiny. Together, they keep Angel’s litter box tidy, taking turns scooping and refilling it with fresh litter.

The bond between the cat and her two caretakers is a testament to the love and companionship that transcends age, creating a harmonious and happy household.

8. Scottish Fold Cats

Scottish Fold Cat

Scottish Fold cats are a medium to large sized cat breed, to large-sized breed of cat that originated in the United Kingdom.

They are known for their unique and unusual folded ears that give them a distinctive appearance.

They are easy going and have great personalities. They are great companions for road trips and other adventures.

Scottish Folds are generally quiet, affectionate, and loyal. They are family oriented and love to spend time with their owners.

They are not very active cats, but they do enjoy playing and can be quite playful at times.


Scottish Folds are known for their sweet and gentle nature. They are very affectionate and love to cuddle with their owners. They are playful cats are also great with children and other pets. They are not very vocal cats, but they do have a soft and melodic meow.

Size and Appearance

Scottish Folds are medium to large-sized cats. They have short to medium-length hair that is soft and dense. They come in a variety of colors and patterns, including solid colors, tabby, and calico.


Scottish Fold cats require grooming on a regular basis to keep their coat healthy and shiny. They also need to have their ears cleaned regularly to prevent infections. They can be prone to certain health issues, including ear infections and joint problems.

My Scottish Fold cat, Amber, lives indoors.
Scottish Folds are prone to joint issues, so it’s important to keep Amber at a healthy weight and provide her with a scratching post and toys to encourage exercise and prevent obesity. So far so good.

I do brush her coat regularly to minimize shedding and hairballs. I am planning regular check ups with out vet to monitor her health, particularly her joints, heart, and eyes, as Scottish Folds can be prone to certain genetic health issues.

Amber receives plenty of love, attention, and playtime to keep her happy in her indoor environment. We love her.

9. Devon Rex Cats

Devon Rex Cat
Just adorable! Gimme now!

Devon Rex cats are a unique and interesting breed that make a great indoor pet. Here are some key characteristics and care tips for this breed:


Devon Rex are known for their distinctive appearance, with large, low-set ears, big eyes, and a triangular face. They have a thin, wavy coat that comes in a variety of colors and patterns.


Devon Rex are known for their playful and affectionate personalities. They are often described as dog like in their behavior, and enjoy spending time with their owners.


Despite their curly coat, a Devon Rex require relatively little grooming. Their hair does not shed much, and they are able to keep themselves clean for the most part.


Like all cats, a Devon Rex can be prone to certain health issues, such as dental problems and heart disease. It is important to keep up with regular vet check-ups and provide them with a healthy diet.


Devon Rex are intelligent and can be trained to do a variety of tricks and behaviors. They are also known for their ability to learn to walk on a leash.

As a thirty year-old, I find that a Devon Rex kitten is a relatively easy to care for indoors. Rambo’s short, curly coat requires minimal grooming, which is a huge plus for busy professionals like me. I don’t have a lot of time to dedicate to extensive pet care. Rambo has quickly learnt to use his litter box. .

I absolutely adore Rambo. At night, he loves to curl up right next to me on my pillow, his soft purrs lulling me to sleep (usually). There’s nothing quite like waking up to his adorable face and gentle nudges, reminding me that it’s time for his breakfast and morning playtime. Having Rambo makes my home feel complete. I’m actually thinking about getting another cat to keep him company while I’m at work. I will wait until Rambo is past the kitten stage.

10. Persian Cats

Persian cat

Persian cats are a long haired breed that is known for their luxurious, silky coat and sweet disposition. They are one of the most popular breeds of cat in the world and make great indoor companions.

Persian cats have a distinctive appearance with their round faces, short noses, and large, expressive eyes. They come in a variety of colors, including white, black, blue, cream, and silver, and can have solid or patterned coats.


Persian cats are known for being docile and affectionate. They love to be pampered and will often curl up in their owner’s lap for hours on end.

They are also relatively low energy cats and don’t require a lot of exercise, making them great for apartment living.

Persian Cat Care

Because of their long hair, Persian cats need daily brushing to prevent matting and regular baths to keep their fur clean and soft.
They are also prone to eye infections, so it’s important to keep their eyes clean and free of discharge.


Persian cats should be fed a high quality cat food. They are prone to obesity, so it’s important to monitor their food intake and provide them with plenty of opportunities for exercise.

Caring for a Persian cat indoors is relatively easy, as long as you provide them with a clean and comfortable living environment, a balanced diet, and regular grooming. These are pretty much the same for all indoor only cats.

Persian cats are known for their gentle and affectionate nature, making them suited for indoor living.

Now the coat! It is long, luxurious coat and requires frequent grooming to prevent matting and tangling. Brushing your Persian cat’s coat daily is essential to maintain its health and appearance. Are you okay with that?

While it may seem easier to groom your cat outdoors to minimize the spread of loose fur inside your home, it is generally recommended to groom them indoors. This ensures a controlled environment, free from outdoor hazards such as parasites, other animals, or extreme weather conditions.

Devon Rex kittens

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the calmest nicest cat breed?

Some of the popular cat breeds, that are known for their calm and gentle personalities include the British Shorthair, the Ragdoll, the Maine Coon, and the Scottish Fold.

What breed of cat does not jump on counters?

Cats are natural climbers and jumpers, so it can be challenging to find a breed that does not jump on counters. However, some cat breeds that are less likely to jump on counters include the British Shorthair, the Persian, and the Scottish Fold.

What are the best house cats that don’t shed?

House cats that don’t shed much, include the Sphynx, the Devon Rex, the Cornish Rex, and the Balinese. These breeds have short or curly hair, which means they shed less than other breeds. All cats shed to some extent, so you will still need to groom your cat regularly.

vector - two cats reading
Are we on that list dear?

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