7 Large Cat Breeds Which Make Great Pets

​Here are some large cat breeds.

We describe these large cat breeds with their place of origin, physical characteristics, and personalities.

We all know that there are no real guarantees when choosing a cat or any pet. Temperament is something that can be hard to gauge.

In our opinion, all of the large cat breeds on ​the list below ​make ​great pets.

1. Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest Cat
A large domestic cat, the Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest cats are a large cat breed. Norwegian Forest cats weigh from 9 to 17 pounds. This is much bigger than most domestic cats. As a reference, the average cat weighs 8 pounds. That means that some Norwegian Forest Cats can weigh twice as much as an average cat.

When it comes to body length and height, they are slightly larger than average. Males are larger than females.

Norwegian Forest cats are native to Norway. Norwegian Forest Cats were actually the cats of the Vikings and were used on Viking ships to keep control of rodent populations.

Norwegian Forest cats have adapted to a snowy environment by adopting a water-resistant fur coat. They are one of the few breeds that like water.

Also, from living in an environment with lots of trees, Norwegian Forest cats are known to climb, and they love to perch themselves on places high off of the ground. This is something to consider.

Can you provide or do you have places for the cat to perch and climb high off the ground, like a tall and sturdy climbing tree.

Norwegian Forest cats are really gentle and kind, which makes them wonderful family pets. Intelligence is in their blood.

Their fur coat is very thick. This means that by getting a Norwegian Forest cat, ideally you should brush him once a week.

Norwegian Forest Cats are delightful big cats that are easy going and gentle companions. It is definitely worth considering a Wegie as a pet.

2. Persian Cat

Persian Cat
White Persian Cat

Persian cats are beautiful creatures. Persian cats have a face that makes you say -awhhh.

They have a luscious coat engulfing their bodies and a cute little flat face. These cats are also some of the most popular cats in the USA.

The ancestors of Persian cats were first recorded as being imported from Iran into Italy, in the 1600’s.

Persians are not the biggest cats on this list, but they are definitely bigger than the average cat. They can weigh anywhere from 7 – 12 pounds.

What Persian cats don’t have in weight, they certainly make up for it in their crazy amount of hair. These cats have HUGE fur coats, so it’s definitely recommended you have the proper tools in hand to fight the war against shedding.

Here is the best brush for Persians to keep your house free from too much hair. Ideally a Persian cat will be brushed daily.

Persians are affectionate, so they usually love the quality time they get to spend being brushed. Don’t be mistaken though, as these cats are perfectly fine with being by themselves and are independent. Persians can be selective with who they choose to love.

Persian cats are fine with families. Persians are an amazing choice if you are looking for a friend that likes hanging out with you, but is not always craving attention.

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3. Ragdoll Cat

Ragdoll Cat
Oh My goodness. I am irrestible!

Ragdoll cats can weigh between 8 and 20 pounds. A female can weigh between 8 to 15 pounds and the males considerable larger, can weigh between 12- 20 pounds.

They are a newish breed, first bred in the 1960’s in the USA.

Ragdolls aren’t just a large cat breed in weight, but also stature. Male cats can be two feet tall however females will be slightly smaller.

A Ragdoll is suited to a family who will fuss over the cat and treat the cat gently.

They have a medium length coat.

If you don’t want to spend too much time grooming, then a Ragdoll could be your cat. Ragdolls only need to be groomed about twice a week compared to a Persian cat where daily grooming is recommended.

4. Maine Coon Cat

Maine Coon Cat
I am a big gorgeous kitty!

The Maine Coon is probably the most popular large breed cat! Maine Coons are definitely big compared to the average cat. The average cat weighs about 8 pounds, while Maine Coons can reach up to 18 pounds.

Maine Coons are not only hefty in weight but also in overall body size. Maine Coons are known to reach up to 3 and a half feet, but most are in the 2 foot range.
Maine Coons are smart.

Maine Coons are also kind natured companions that get along with dogs and children.

Maine Coons have thick fur which is medium to long and they do require regular brushing to keep the fur tangle free.

To conclude, Maine Coons are definitely a large cat breed, but this aspect isn’t the only thing that defines them.

They are also sweet and gentle creatures and make wonderful pets.

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5. Chausie Cat

The Chausie Cat
The Chausie (pronounced chow-see) is another big ​cat

The Chausie originated from Egypt. They did not become domesticated until the 4th generation of Chausies, as they are a hybrid species with jungle cats.

Chausie cats aren’t as big as some other cats on this list, but are still bigger than an average cat. They can weigh 20 pounds, but are usually closer to 15 pounds.

Chausies are exceptionally long for their body weight.

Chausie cats are social, intelligent, and outgoing. These cats are usually easy to care for but they do appreciate having a routine to follow and can become set in their ways. For this reason, if you are interested in a family pet, it is recommended that your Chausie becomes part of the family when he is a kitten.

Their coats are short, so minimal grooming is needed.

As Chausies are closely related to wild cats, they are very active in their everyday lives. If you are considering adopting a Chausie, make sure they have somewhere to let out all their energy.

Chausie cats thrive on attention so are better in a household where someone will be home all day.

The Chausie is a great choice as a large cat if you are looking for a breed that is exotic and lively.

6. Savannah Cat

Savannah Cat
I’m a kitten but you can see my lovely markings! Did I mention I like keeping busy?

The Savannah cat is another breed that is mixed with wild cats. The Savannah’s wild ancestor is the Serval. The Serval is a wild cat from the sub-Saharan desert in Africa. This cat was first bred in America.

Like the Chausie, these cats are long and slender. Savannah cats have a large weight range, from 8 lbs. to 24 lbs. These cats can be up to 2 and a half feet tall, but the later generations of Savannahs are close to 1 and a half feet tall.

You will definitely find loyalty in a Savannah cat. Like other hybrid breeds, these cats have a lot of energy. Having plenty of room to run around is a must.

Some people call Savannah cats “the dogs of the cat world” as they display some traits very similar to dogs. They are smart, friendly and affectionate.

For a Savannah cat to display these traits, they must be nurtured, and loved as kittens.

Savannah cats can also get along with dogs and other cats if they are introduced as a kitten.

Savannahs are often mistaken for Bengals as they have a very similar look. Both have the classic gold coat with black spots.

Savannahs are a great pet if you are looking at large cat breeds and want a wonderful and loyal companion.

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large cat

7. Siberian Cat

Siberian Cat
Look at me! In the snow!

And last to our list of large cat breeds is the Siberian cat. It is in the weight range of 11 – 20 pounds, and can be 2 feet tall.

Siberian cats are from Russia, and are the national cat of Russia.

Siberians are related to Norwegian Forest cats. This is shown in both their physical, and mental characteristics.

You can expect your Siberian to always be close to you looking for attention. They are actually lap cats, which might be uncomfortable considering their heftiness.

Like Norwegian Forest cats, Siberians love water, have thick coats, are smart and are generally wonderful family cats. Where they differ from Norwegians is in their energy level.

Expect this guy to always be on the move, doing something active. If you want to have a big cat but you also need a great family cat, it sounds like you would love a Siberian.

large cat breeds - pinterest image

​Large cat breeds are just like any other size cat, just ​a bit larger, so more gorgeousness.

They will become your best friends, and when you want to snuggle, you will have a little more to snuggle with.

vector -two cats reading

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