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What Is The Most Effective And Best Flea Medicine For Cats?

The best flea medicine for cats is flea drops that are applied to the skin of the cat, between the shoulder blades of the cat.

Cat Flea Drops Are also called Topical Flea Treatment

For fast acting, long lasting results and an easy and convenient application you hands down can’t beat the cat flea drops. Cat flea drops are applied once per month.  The cat flea drops really are the gold standard of flea medicine for cats.

A cat flea pill or tablet also has excellent results for flea protection in cats. Both are forms of medicine that either kill or repel fleas from cats.

This article is primarily about cat flea drops. If you are looking for a cat flea pill or tablet, this is a link to the article that talks about cat flea tablets.

Cat Flea Drops – How Do They Work?

The topical cat flea drops last one month, although some manufacturers will say that the protection does last a bit longer than one month.

We have always found that it is pretty well spot on a month and then more drops need to be applied.

The applicator makes these drops easy to apply.

It is just a matter of snapping off the top or sometimes cutting the top, parting kitties fur between the shoulder blades and squeezing the applicator gently to distribute the treatment.

You will become a pro at doing this. The cat cannot reach around to lick the treatment, however, if possible, just keep kitty quiet for a minute or two until the product dries.

If your kitty is like many and has already headed for the hills as soon as the application is done, well there’s nothing you can do about that. The treatment does fortunately, dry very quickly.

cat having cat flea drops applied
This is actually really easy to do and then, that’s it for a month.

This is the best flea medicine for cats, it is popular because it works, it is easy to apply and the once a month application is appealing.

There are always exceptions and sometimes a cat may have an allergy to an ingredient in a flea treatment, so keep this in mind when using a new treatment. Observe your cat after the flea treatment, to make sure all is okay.

If you suspect there is an allergy a visit to the vet for medical advice will be necessary.

Best Flea Medicine For Cats

1. Frontline Plus For CatsActive ingredients – Fipronil (S)-Methoprene
2. Advantage Flea Control For Cats –  Active ingredients – Imidacloprid Pyripoxyfen
3. Sentry Fiproguard Plus For Cats Active ingredients – Fipronil (S)-Methoprene
4.TevraPet Actispot II Flea Treatment for Cats  Active ingredients – Imidacloprid Pyripoxyfen
5.Cheristin Flea Spot Treatment for Cats Active ingredients – Spinetoram and Other Ingredients
Active Ingredients In Spot On Treatments

1. Frontline Plus For Cats

 Flea and Tick Treatment for Cats

Frontline is a topical flea treatment, suitable for cats and also kittens over eight weeks old and weighing more than 1.5 lbs.  

This flea treatment kills fleas, flea eggs & larvae, ticks and chewing lice. It also kills the ticks that may transmit Lyme disease. Apply the treatment to the skin between the shoulder blades of the cat. Part the cat’s hair before applying. Here is more useful information about how to apply topical flea treatment.

The two ingredients that work so efficiently are fipronil and (S)-methoprene – one to kill adult fleas and ticks and the second to kill flea eggs and larvae. We have used this product for years and it reliably performs well. The only exception is forgetting to reapply and that is a human problem.

As a reminder to dose the cat, Frontline comes with six small stickers that can be attached to a calendar to remind the humans to give the cat a new flea treatment. Now if someone would remind me to use the reminder stickers!

If you would like more information about the chemicals used and exactly how they work this is a detailed article from a veterinary perspective.

Read the safety information. Scroll right down the page, past the video section until you reach Important Information. That is where the safety information is located.


This flea treatment is a waterproof treatment that starts to work quickly.


Check your package for a use by date. With this product there should NOT be a use by date. If there is contact the seller or return for a refund.

Fleas may build a resistance to this flea treatment.


This flea treatment is available in a 3 count (dose), a 6count (dose) and an 8 count (dose) pack.

The active ingredients are fipronil 9.8%, (S)-methoprene 11.8%. Inactive Ingredients compromise 78.4% of the product.

Put a cat flea collar on once and forget about fleas for 8 months.  It has got appeal for convenience with good results.

2. Advantage Flea Control for Cats

Large Cat Vet-Recommended Flea Treatment & Prevention

This cat flea control treatment is also applied topically in the same manner as Frontline. The active ingredients in Frontline and Advantage, are different. Check the Specifications.

It works successfully on indoor and outdoor cats. It is applied once a month which is the same protocol as other treatments of this type.

Indoor cats can still get fleas as the fleas come inside the house. This flea application stops fleas feeding within minutes and kills adult fleas and larvae.

The flea treatment is water resistant, but don’t apply it to the cat, if the cat is wet.

The treatment shown in the image is for cats over 9 lb, as you can tell by the purple tag in the top right of the packaging.


This flea treatment works on contact so fleas do not have to actually bite, resulting in fewer flea bites on the cat.


One possible side effect recorded, is loss of hair at the site of application. This does happen occasionally and is reported as usually being a single occurrence with the hair regrowing. 


This is a topical spot on treatment like Frontline Plus but it has different active ingredients. The active ingredients in this product are 9.1% Imidacloprid and 0.46%Pyripoxyfen.

Treatments are also available for cats of different weights as shown here for kittens 2-5 lbs, cats 5-9 lbs and cats over 9lbs.

In addition these treatments can be purchased in 1 dose, 2 doses, 4 doses and 6 doses.

That covers all options and gives you the choice to try a 2 dose pack if this is a product you haven’t tried before and want to give it a go.

If you have a kitten, you need to consider the dosage and type of flea treatment. This article gives more information about fighting fleas on kittens.

3. Sentry Fiproguard Plus For Cats

SENTRY Flea and Tick Topical for Cats

Sentry Fiproguard flea treatment kills fleas, flea eggs, flea larvae, ticks and chewing lice for up to 30 days. The treatment also kills ticks that may transmit Lyme disease.

This flea treatment solution is waterproof and suitable for cats over 8 weeks of age or weighing 1.5 pounds or more. Weigh your cat before purchasing a flea treatment if you are not sure of the cat’s weight.

Do not treat your cat with with more than one pesticide flea treatment at a time, so, for example, don’t use this product at the same time as using a flea collar.

This flea treatment can be used on pregnant and nursing cats.

Pros and Cons

As with any flea treatment, there are cat owners this worked well for and others that didn’t. Sometimes the variables are hard to measure. The location of where you live may be a factor. Fleas have built a tolerance to the product.

Without scientific testing and comparisons this is just hearsay but it could also be reasonable advice.

Another factor is that some flea seasons are worse than others and this is something that can’t be controlled.

You may want to consider using a different method of flea control if your usual method is not working so well now.


This is a topical spot on flea treatment. The active ingredients are Methoprene and Fipronil which is the same as Frontline Plus.

There are 6 applications in the treatment shown on this page. That is 6 months worth of flea treatment as each dose lasts for one month.

4.TevraPet Actispot II Flea Treatment for Cats 

TevraPet  Topical Flea Treatment for Cats

Tevrapet is a topical flea treatment. It is waterproof. It kills fleas, flea eggs and flea larvae for up to 30 days. Tevrapet breaks the lifecycle of fleas.

This topical flea treatment is applied in the same manner as the other topical treatments looked at on this page.

Cats must be 5lbs or over to use the specific flea treatment shown on this page.


TevraPet starts killing fleas within 24 hours but starts repelling fleas immediately.

TevraPet a good budget option using the same ingredients as Advantage II.


Ensure that TevraPet is applied as directed where the cat cannot lick the product.


The active ingredients in TevraPet are Imidacloprid and Pyriproxyfen – the same as Advantage II.

TevraPet is made in the USA. Each package comes with 6 topical applications.

Note: There are two products, one for Medium cats, 5-9lbs and one for Large cats over 9 lbs.

5. Cheristin Flea Spot Treatment for Cats

topical solution for prevention of flea infestations in cats

Cheristin flea spot treatment is for use on kittens 8 weeks or over and weighing 1.8 pounds or over.

Six topical applicators are included for a 6 month supply of Cheristin.

The treatment starts killing fleas in 30 minutes. Spinetoram (the active ingredient), starts killing fleas in just 30 minutes and remains effective for up to 6 weeks to keep your cat protected from fleas, although monthly application is recommended.

It is worthwhile reading the mostly positive reviews of Cheristin and comments made by cat owners all of whom have a personal point of view and live in many different locations throughout the US.


Cheristin is quick drying and not greasy.

No prescription needed for Cheristin

The applicator can get right down to the skin.


If you have multiple cats do not allow them to groom each other until the product has dried.


The Cheristin flea treatment doses are available in different packs, a 1 dose (one month supply), a 3 dose (3 months supply) and a 6 dose (6 months supply).

The active ingredients are Spinetoram 11.2% Other Ingredients: 88.8%.

For your information the side effects are listed here. Always observe your cat after application. “Side effects may include application site reactions such as hair loss, hair change (greasy, clumping or matting) or redness, inflammation and itching. Other side effects such as inactivity, vomiting and loss of appetite have also been reported.”

Using cat flea shampoo is a good solid solution when you need instant results. The results will depend on how well you are able to shampoo your cat. Following up with a flea combing and a flea spray will help to ensure success.

Active Ingredients in Cat Spot on Treatments

When reading the ingredients in cat flea spot on treatments, you will see that often, either Fipronil and Imidacloprid are used.

When comparing cat flea products and how effective they are for your situation, it is worth taking the time to look at the active ingredients, in the flea treatment you have chosen.

This quote, ” The study presented here confirmed that imidacloprid provides high and early efficacy. Six hours after treatment, flea counts in the imidacloprid group were already reduced by more than 60%comes from this study.

This article is like an FAQ of some of the ingredients that you may see listed in flea products, for cats and dogs. It is a useful reference.

How To Apply Cat Flea Drops  

This is a particularly good video showing how to apply Frontline Plus. It is being applied to a dog however the same method applies to a cat.  

This video shows very clearly how to part the fur and how to place the product from the pipette onto the skin.  Do this as shown because the formula is stored in the oil glands of the cat’s skin.

It is a very simple procedure, however you know your kitty the best, so it may be a two person job, to make sure it is applied correctly.

Why Use Cat Flea Tablets?

Flea medicine can also refer to flea medication that is taken orally as tablets.

Instead of applying drops, using a flea collar or flea powder or flea spray, this medication, is in tablet or pill form.

Normally it is a one off treatment that effectively treats a flea infestation and is often used in shelters for that reason.

pinterest image - best flea medicine for cats

How To Check Your Cat For Fleas

The cat can have a flea infestation and may not necessarily be scratching madly all the time.

Although scratching is the most obvious sign of fleas, it is essential to actually check for fleas on a regular basis.

If your house has a flea infestation it may be necessary to take a more robust approach and use a flea bomb.

This article explains how to use a cat flea bomb safely.

What’s the date dear? I think our next dose must be coming up soon!

The Best Flea Medicine For cats

 Flea and Tick Treatment for Cats

Frontline Plus For Cats

 Kills fleas, flea eggs & larvae, ticks and chewing lice.

This is a waterproof treatment.

For cats and also kittens over eight weeks old and weighing more than 1.5 lbs.  

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