If the kitten is less than 6-8 weeks old, do not use conventional chemically based flea treatments. There are other things you can do to get rid of fleas on a kitten.
If the kitten is over 8 weeks old there are a number of flea control options which are described in more detail below.
What is the fastest way to get rid of fleas on a kitten Under 8 Weeks Old?
The best flea treatment for kittens under 8 weeks of age is using a flea comb. Be careful when using the flea comb, as the kitten will have fine hair. Dunk the flea comb, that is holding the fleas, into a bucket of water containing mild soap.
Dislodge the fleas into the bucket, by swishing the comb around. Repeat the process.
If there are many fleas, consider giving the kitten a bath.
There is more information here about using a flea comb and giving a cat a bath.

Flea Treatment For Kittens – 8 Weeks & Older
1. Frontline Plus Flea and Tick Treatment (over 1.5 pounds) Over 8 weeks |
2. Cheristin for Cats Topical Flea Treatment (over 1.8 pounds) Over 8 weeks |
3. Solimo Flea and Tick Topical Treatment for Cats (over 1.5 pounds) Over 8 weeks |
4. PetArmor Flea & Tick Squeeze-on Treatment (over 1.5 pounds) Over 8 weeks |
5.Catego Flea And Tick Treatment (over 1.5 pounds) Over 8 weeks |
5. Bayer Advantage 11 Flea Treatment For Kittens ( 2- 5 pounds) Over 8 weeks |
Are Fleas On Kittens Harmful to Health? |
Are Fleas On Kittens When They Are Born? |
1.Frontline Plus Flea and Tick Treatment
This topical flea treatment is suitable for kittens over 8 weeks and weighing over 1.5 lbs. Topical means that the treatment is drops that are put onto the skin of the kitten.
The treatment is very easy to apply using the applicator provided.
Take the applicator from the box. Lift and remove the plastic tab. Peel away the foil or use scissors to open. Hold the applicator upright as you do this.
Part your kitten’s fur at the base of the neck, above the shoulder blades, and then squeeze the product from the applicator onto the skin. Squeeze the entire contents onto one spot on the skin, not the fur. It literally takes seconds. It works for a month, and then you use a new applicator for another dose that will last a month.
I have to say that I have never had any problems with the application of this treatment. I have become pretty speedy at application.
Try to wait 24 hours before your kitten gets wet. The area that the solution is placed means that the kitten cannot lick the product off but it is still necessary to avoid water for 24 hours.
That should not be a problem for most kittens but some do love water.
This treatment is effective when used alone. There is no need to use any other flea treatments with the product.
The flea treatment does not require a prescription.
There is no expiration date if the product remains intact in its packaging.
Online, cat owners are concerned that sometimes the product they have may be fake.
Specifications Of Frontline Flea and Tick Treatment
This product contains fipronil and (S)-methoprene. Fipronil, kills adult fleas and ticks, and (S)-methoprene, attacks flea eggs and larvae.
It is available in a 3-count, 6-count, or 8-count pack.
Read the safety information which, in a nutshell, outlines safety precautions. Scroll down the page, and you will find the safety information underneath the heading entitled, Important Information.
This product is made in France.
2. Cheristin for Cats/Kittens Topical Flea Treatment
Cheristin flea treatment is suitable for kittens over 8 weeks and weighing over 1.8 lbs.
This is a topical treatment applied in the same manner as described above for Frontline.
The applicator tip is rounded. Cheristin flea topical drops are fast drying and have no fragrance. Do not apply more than once per month.
Cheristin starts killing fleas within 30 minutes. A controlled study indicated that 98-100% of fleas were killed within 12 hours.
The product documentation and safety information are available as PDFs on the product page. Scroll down the page to find the information.
Always read the product information first, just as you would if giving medicine to yourself or a family member. You may be unlucky and your cat may have a bad reaction (to any flea treatment not necessarily this one). If you have read the product description and safety information you will be able to react without delay.
It goes without saying that when using any new product, particularly a flea treatment, always observe your kitten for any adverse reactions.
Take notes in case you need to visit the vet. It’s always hard trying to remember exactly when something happened but if you make a quick note of the reaction with the date, it will help.
Cheristin lasts for 60 days – this is approximately twice as long as other topical treatments.
Customer service has a boost from one cat owner who called the company and had a positive and reassuring response to a question.
Some cat owners have complained of a strong smell with Cheristin, although there is no added fragrance.
Specifications Of Cheristin Topical Flea Treatment

Cheristin is available in a 1 count, 3 count or 6 count pack. It is a topical application treatment. It lasts for 6 weeks which is longer than the 30 days most topical treatments last.
NaturVet Herbal Flea Cat & Dog Powder can be used on kittens. There is more information on this page.
3. Solimo Flea & Tick for Cats/Kittens (over 1.5 pounds)
Solimo treatment is suitable for kittens over 8 weeks of age and weighing over 1.5 pounds.
This is a topical treatment applied to the back of the neck/shoulder area as described for the Frontline Plus product.
After the treatment is applied, keep the kitten dry for 24 hours and then after that it doesn’t matter if he gets wet.
Solimo kills fleas, flea eggs, flea larvae, ticks, and chewing lice for up to 30 days after application. It will then need to be reapplied.
Write the expiry date on the calendar, as I can guarantee you will not remember the date – I never do and it’s always a surprise to see it there. Where did that 3 months go?
Solimo is a cheaper flea treatment solution and it does contain the same ingredients as other products.
No cons particular to this product but some kittens can have adverse reactions to the ingredients. The same active ingredients in this product are used in Frontline, so if Frontline caused a reaction in your kitten, it is possible that this product would also. Be guided by your vet.
Specifications Of Solimo Flea & Tick for Cats/Kittens
Solimo for Cats/Kittens is available in two size packs, a 3 dose pack and a 6 dose pack. The ingredients are Fipronil 9.8% (s)-methoprene 11.8%.
Like other flea products the Safety Information must be read before using this product. This information is on this page, scroll down to the heading Important Information.
4. PetArmor Flea & Tick Squeeze-on Treatment
Kittens must be over 1.5 lbs and over 8 weeks of age to safely use this PetArmor.
PetArmor flea treatment works by breaking the life cycle of the flea. Flea eggs and larvae are killed to prevent reinfestation. As a plus, PetArmor also protects against brown dog ticks, American dog ticks, Lone Star ticks, and deer ticks.
When the fleas are first treated with PetArmor, don’t be surprised if there appears to be more fleas. The fleas rise to the top of the coat, where they can be seen. This is normal and a sign that the product is working.
Be aware that if fleas can still be seen on the kitten after days of giving the treatment, it may mean that there is a flea infestation in the bedding, carpet, or a part of the yard.
It makes sense to deflea the whole yard and home if there is an infestation. Diatomaceous Earth is useful for this purpose.
PetArmor also has a household spray, a home and carpet spray and a carpet powder.
To appl PetArmor, part the hair at the base of the head or between the shoulder blades when applying, and apply to the skin rather than the kitten’s fur if possible.
Years of experience have taught me that sometimes a small amount does go on to the fur and the flea treatment has still worked. For best results, apply PetArmor once a month. PetArmor is slightly greasy when it is first applied and this may last for a day.
Some cats and kittens have side effects and others do not. Read the instructions and precautions on the pack. Observe your kitten after flea treatment. Check the area where the treatment was applied for any skin irritation.
PetArmor starts to kill fleas within 24 hours.
PetArmor is produced in the US.
It is cheaper than some of the big name brands.
On some occasions, it has been suggested that fleas have become used to the solution in this product, hence the reason for not working.
Remember to prepare the product by cutting open before putting the cat into deflea position.
Specifications Of PetArmor
PetArmor is a topical treatment and is available in a pack of 1, a pack of 3, a pack of 6 and a pack of 12. Fipronil and Methoprene are the active ingredients in PetArmor.
5.Catego Flea And Tick Treatment
Catego flea and tick treatment is suitable for kittens over 1.5lbs and over 8 weeks old.
Catego kills kills fleas, flea eggs, flea larvae, ticks and chewing lice.
It is administered by using an applicator that ensures that the product has contact with the kitten’s skin. It is an easy job to part the hair at the base of the kittens head and apply the product until the applicator is empty. Repeat once a month. The product dries quickly. It becomes super easy to apply flea medication this way, once you are used to this process.
If you still see fleas on your kitten they are usually new fleas or fleas that are yet to perish from being exposed to Catego.
Catego a well priced product with good feedback from consumers. Although Catego is not a household name (yet) it works extremely well.
If you are familiar with Vectra, it is made by the same company. They also make Feliway, a product to help cats cope with anxiety.
It is made in the USA.
Catego kills fleas within 6 hours.
Catego is less greasy than some other brands.
The medication has almost no smell.
This flea treatment is good value.
If your cat has sensitive skin (to your knowledge) use a different type of flea treatment as the skin may become irritated enough for the cat to lose fur.
Doesn’t always work to get rid of fleas.
Specifications Of Catego
This is a topical treatment. The ingredients are Dinotefuran: 22.00% Fipronil: 8.92% Pyriproxyfen: 3.00%. Catego is available in a 3 dose or a 6 dose.
6. Bayer Advantage 11 Flea Treatment For Kittens
The kitten formula of Advantage 11 is for use with kittens 8 weeks of age or older, weighing 2–5 pounds. This product caters to different weights: under 5 lbs, 5–9 lbs, and over 9 lbs.
Advantage II, kitten topical flea treatment begins killing fleas, flea eggs and flea larvae within 12 hours of application.
The medication works by spreading over the skin of the kitten, so the flea does not actually have to “bite” the kitten. The flea is repelled through contact.
Advantage 11 controls existing flea infestations and prevents further infestations and remains effective following a shampoo treatment, swimming or after exposure to rain or sunlight.
If you are planning on bathing your kitten it is suggested that you do that before the application. It’s a once a month flea treatment and prevention.
The flea prevention treatment is liquid and is applied to the back of the neck once a month. It is simply a matter of parting the fur and squeezing the product onto the skin.
It is always wise to watch carefully for 24 hours in case of an allergic reaction. It is just a precaution, but one that is well worth taking with any medication being applied to your kitten.
The weight requirement for the kitten to use this treatment, is written on the top right hand corner of the box. Make sure you have the correct product for the weight of your cat.
Bayer Advantage 11 is easy to use and value for money.
Works for some and not for others. With flea treatments it is trial and error to see what will work best. What works for some doesn’t for others and vice versa. There is no common thread to why a treatment works or doesn’t work.
Specifications Of Bayer Advantage 11
The treatment shown is a 4 pack. The ingredients of Advantage 11 are Imidacloprid, Pyriproxyfen and other ingredients.
Imidacloprid attacks the flea’s nervous system – paralyzing and ultimately killing the flea.
Pyriproxyfen is an insect growth regulator (IGR) that kills flea eggs and larvae on contact.
We Choose
1. Frontline Plus Flea and Tick Treatment For Cats & Kittens
Frontline Plus is our recommended flea treatment for kittens, once they reach 8 weeks of age and meet the weight requirements of 1.5 lbs.
It’s not just fleas that are controlled by Frontline, flea eggs, flea larvae, ticks, and chewing lice are all controlled by a regular, once a month treatment.
Frontline Plus has worked hard to earn its reputation. It has been a recommended method of flea control by veterinarians for nearly 20 years.
If the flea infestation on your kitten is especially bad, consider giving the kitten a bath first.
Read the labels and check for any weight or age restrictions, two things that are important when dealing with fleas on kittens.
- Waterproof flea and tick treatment for cats and kittens: Frontline Plus for Cats provides waterproof, fast-acting, long-lasting flea and tick treatment and control for your cat. This product is approved for use on cats and kittens 1.5 lbs and over.
- Break the flea life cycle with frontline: Frontline flea and tick treatment for cats kills adult fleas plus flea eggs and larvae to stop existing infestations and prevent establishment of new infestations.
- Kills fleas and ticks: Frontline flea and tick treatment for cats kills fleas, flea eggs, lice, and ticks. This flea and tick treatment kills ticks, including those that may transmit Lyme disease.
- Trusted flea and tick protection for cats: Frontline Plus for Cats has been trusted by veterinarians for nearly 20 years. Made with 2 tough killing ingredients, fipronil and (S)-methoprene – one to kill adult fleas and ticks and the second to kill flea eggs and larvae – this fast-acting, long-lasting protection provides flea and tick control for cats and kittens 8 weeks and older.
- Lasting flea and tick protection: Frontlines long-lasting formula is stored in the oil glands of the cats skin to give non-stop flea and tick protection for a full 30 days. Frontline flea and tick treatment for cats works non-stop for a full 30 days. A 3-dose supply lasts for 3 months.

Are Fleas On Kittens Harmful to Health?
A flea infestation on kittens can have adverse health effects such as anaemia.
While this is not often a problem in adult cats it is seen frequently in kittens.
Although we use the term flea bites, it is actually the flea sucking a small amount of blood through its proboscis.
As a kitten has a low body weight, a flea infestation can cause anaemia because of the blood loss.
Are Fleas On Kittens When They Are Born?
Kittens are not born with fleas. If the mother cat has fleas or the bedding has fleas when the kitten is born, it won’t be long before the kitten also has fleas.

The age of the kitten and the weight of the kitten are two important points to note when purchasing flea treatments for kittens.
Check the label of the flea treatment you are going to use, to make sure your kitten is the age required, to use the treatment safely. Always take note of any safety precautions, even if it takes a minute or two longer to read. Know what you are using and any potential side effects.
In addition to age requirements, a weight requirement is often stipulated for safety when using the product. We have included the required minimum weight and age information for each flea treatment when applying to a kitten.
It is important to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. Help keep our pets safe.
Flea and Tick Solutions For Cats Past The Kitten stage