The Best Flea Powder For Cats

Flea powder for cats delivers ‘on the spot’ results to get rid of fleas instantly. Flea powder can be used as a standalone treatment, if the flea problem is not severe. Cat flea powder can be used in conjunction with other flea treatments, to have the best possible ongoing results.

The Best Thing About Cat Flea Powder

Why use cat flea powder? Well, it works fast, so that’s a very good thing when you are looking for a fix, right here, right now!

If you are looking for information about using diatomaceous earth (powder) for flea control this article will answer all your questions. There is a specific type of DE that you need to use for cats and around your home, for safety reasons.

There are two flea powder treatments on this page.

NaturVet would be considered as a natural flea treatment.
Zodiac uses Pyrethrin.

From personal experience I would say that the Pyrethrin based product will be more efficient. There are however, some cats that cannot tolerate Pyrethrin, so it really depends on your cat or your own preferred choices.

Cat Flea Powder

1. NaturVet Herbal Flea Cat & Dog Powder – Repel fleas naturally
2. Zodiac Flea & Tick Powder – Contains Pyrethrin
How To Apply Flea Powder To Cats
Diatomaceous Earth Can Used As Flea Powder

TIP: If your cat doesn’t like being dusted with powder, try using a powder puff to apply to the fur and then rub in gently. Kitty will think he is being spoilt. It is a good practical solution.

a powder puff for applying cat flea powder
No spare powder puffs at your place? A cotton wool ball will work just as well.

1. NaturVet Herbal Flea Cat & Dog Powder

herbal flea powder for cats
Has a pleasant fragrance!

This natural flea powder can be applied directly to the cat and also to cat bedding, blankets, cat condos, scratching posts etc.

It is made with essential oils that are gentle enough to be used on kittens and puppies.

If you are already using a full strength flea preventative such as a spot on treatment, we suggest that you check with your vet first before using this product.

Note: The fleas do rise to the top of the coat, as they die using cat flea powder, so don’t be surprised to see more fleas at first. If you still see fleas after application, it may be that your pet has picked up new fleas from bedding or a favorite snoozing spot.


This herbal cat flea powder has a pleasant smell. The success rate is mostly positive.


Keep out of the reach of children.

Specifications of NaturVet Herbal Flea Powder

The ingredients in NaturVet herbal flea powder are – Rosemary (0.5%),Lemongrass Oil (0.5%),Eucalyptus Oil (0.5%). Inert Ingredients: Calcium Carbonate, Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate and Silica Aerogel.

2. Zodiac Flea and Tick Powder

2. Zodiac Flea & Tick Powder

 Flea and Tick Powder for Cats and Kittens

Zodiac flea powder is safe to use on cats over 12 weeks of age.

Use Zodiac flea powder for cats exactly as directed, as it does contain Pyrethrin. Zodiac flea powder is for direct application to your cat.

This powder controls fleas, ticks and lice and works quickly.

The shaker top makes it easy to shake and apply the flea powder to the cat’s fur. The flea powder has no strong odors and has a citrus scent.

When using cat flea powder, avoid the cat’s face and eye, nose and mouth area when dusting. The treatment can be repeated after 7 days.

Hint: Add some powder to the vacuum bag to help kill the fleas left in the bag after vacuuming.

A light dusting of Zodiac powder is all that is needed, don’t go overboard. There is no expiration date and Zodiac flea powder will remain effective if stored as directed.


Zodiac flea powder is easy to apply when fast results are needed.


Avoid inhalation of cat flea powder dust. Wear gloves when applying this product.

This product does contain Pyrethrin. This article outlines the dangers of using Pyrethrins. The product must be used as directed.

Specifications Of Zodiac flea Powder

Zodiac is a powder that comes in shaker type application. The product contains Active Ingredients: Pyrethrins (0.01%), Piperonyl Butoxide, Technical (1.0%); Other Ingredients: 98.9%. 

In recent years there has been a shift from using cat flea powder and more of an emphasis on treating the home with a powder and the cat with alternative forms of cat flea treatment.

Why Use Cat Flea Powder?

1.Cat flea powder is quick and easy to apply. Have a spare for emergencies.

2. Cat flea powder works quickly, so fast relief for the cat.

3. Cat flea powder is a perfect complementary treatment to other products, or it can be used as a standalone product.

4. Flea powder for cats will also get rid of fleas from other places in your home.

Sprinkle the powder around cat bedding, on carpet and other places your cat likes to hang out, for example, the scratching post.

Also sprinkle around the most comfy places in your home because kitty is sure to have visited there.

pinterest image - flea powder for cats

Getting Wet Alert When Using Flea Powder!

Be aware that when using cat flea powder, it will need to be reapplied if the cat gets wet.

The plus side, is that it is an easy to apply option.

Did you know that licking frantically is also a sign of fleas?

We usually thinking of excessive scratching as being an obvious sign of fleas. It is but excessive licking can also indicate fleas.

What Is Flea Dirt?

Check the coat for fine looking black specs, which are almost powder like and often referred to as flea dirt.  On kitty’s tummy is where the specs can be seen easily.

These specks are flea droppings also often referred to as flea dirt.  Try rubbing between your fingertips. If it shows a darkish red color, that is digested blood. It’s not nice to see.

Yuk! Not nice!  Goodbye fleas!

Have you ever thought of giving your cat a flea bath using cat flea shampoo?  It’s not as scary as it might sound.

How To Apply Flea Powder to Cats

When applying cat flea powder to cats, wear gloves.

Sprinkle the powder onto the fur, rubbing against the natural direction that the fur grows, to ensure thorough distribution.

Then smooth the coat down. Apply to belly area of the cat also and try to cover as much of the body as possible.

Avoid the head and face area hen using cat flea powder.

Alternatively comb the powder through the fur using a flea comb. It’s all about what your kitty responds to (actually meaning what your cat will let you do).

Cat flea powder works quickly, but will only last as long as it remains on the animal. For this reason, it is often regarded as being a complementary treatment.

Once you see kitty scratching, you will really want to treat the fleas straightaway.  

For that reason alone, having some flea powder on standby is a good idea. Always follow the manufacturers directions.

flea powder treatment

Diatomaceous Earth Can Used As Flea Powder

Diatomaceous earth can be used as a flea powder, however, it works differently to the flea powders described here.

Diatomaceous earth can be sprinkled on the cat, around cats bedding and on carpets.

Before applying diatomaceous earth, give the house a really good vacuum.

Sprinkle the DE on the cat and the flea affected areas and then vacuum 24 hours later.

Be mindful of the fact that DE is dense and may clog domestic vacuum cleaners quickly. Check the filter on the vacuum cleaner, to ensure that it is not getting clogged.

There are alternative cat flea treatment. Read more information about the different types of flea treatments for your cat. Be armed with the knowledge, because if your cat does not respond to a product or treatment, you will need to find another method.

More Reasons To Use Cat Flea Powder

Once the fleas on the cat, are under control it is not a case of set and forget as much as we would like that to happen. 

One adult flea is capable of laying 50 eggs a day, so it can be an uphill battle to keep fleas at bay for our cats.

A cat flea powder is useful because it works straight away and can be used not only on your cat but also on carpets, bedding and other places that your kitty likes to reside in comfort.

Have you thought of giving your cat a de flea shampoo?

There are also other options if you are looking non chemical flea control methods.

vector - two cats reading
Look, I am happy with the powder. Just keep it out of my eyes!
 Flea and Tick Powder for  Cats, and Kittens

Zodiac Flea & Tick Powder

Works quickly

Easy to apply

Handy to have on standby. There is no expiration date.

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