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Eight Amazing Reasons To Own A Cat

Here are eight reasons to own a cat.

1. Caring For A Cat Is A Nurturing Activity

As humans we are programmed to nurture, form bonds and show love and affection. Looking after and caring for a cat is good for our mental health.

Cats as well as being companions become part of the family.

We love our cats, and looking after them is a job that we undertake with no strings attached.

Unlike their canine counterparts, cats may not always show us the affection we think we deserve. Cats are independent creatures.

When we first get our kitty, we really do not know what sort of personality he or she will have. In the ensuing years we bend over backwards to make sure everything is fine for kitty and that he has everything he needs, love, food, shelter, stimulation and good health.

Helping to care for a cat is a good way to teach children responsibility.

Children can take an active part in caring for the cat. Depending on the age of the children, they can help with chores such as feeding the cat and keeping the feeding bowls and the feeding area clean. It teaches children responsibility.

Our pets are with us for a long time, so this is an ongoing responsibility. Kids are observant too and will notice little nuances of cat behavior.

Here are some family friendly cat breeds if you are still at the decision making process of choosing a cat.

girl and cat looking adorably at each other

2. Cats Are Good Company

When you come home from work, who is there waiting to greet you and probably waiting to be fed?

Cats show their appreciation by purring, walking between your legs, headbutting, rolling around on the ground and generally looking pleased to see you.

Sometimes their company is over the top. Cats take delight in stalking the keyboard when you are using the computer or sitting on your lap, successfully preventing any further movement from you.

For people who live alone, a cat or cats provide companionship and company.

Some cats will only jump onto a lap when the temperature drops when they might reconsider their normal aloofness, for the sake of warmth.

I think a know a certain cat like this.

reasons to own a cat - pinterest image

3. Cats Are Good Entertainment

Cats can be hilarious, and although this does slow down a little with age, they do provide us with many entertaining hours.

When cats are climbing into impossibly small places or hopping into an empty box, we can laugh at their antics.

Even when cats are sleeping they still elicit the “so cute” response that has you taking yet another cat photo.

If you believe you don’t have many photos, go through your phone quickly. I guarantee there will be many. I have a lot of cat photos and many look identical.

If your cat does the cat night crazies and gallops around the house in the middle of the night, you might not be so keen on the entertainment this can provide.

Sometimes you may wonder about the saneness of reasons to own a cat but you love them anyway.

4. Cats Stimulate Conversation

a couple discussing getting a cat

Cats are a constant source of discussion.

At any given point in the day, someone will be talking to or about the cat.

Talking about the cat seems to always come down to the basic discussion points listed below:

Always Number 1 – Where is the cat? Has anyone seen the cat?

Look at the cat? What is the cat doing?

The cat is so cute. The cat is purring. So cute! The cat is snoring. So cute! The cat is asleep. So cute!

The cat is on the kitchen bench.

The cat has caught a goldfish from the pond. The cat has caught a rat. What has the cat got?

Is it time for the cat’s flea treatment? Did anyone write the date for flea treatment on the calendar?

What has happened to the cat’s collar? He’s not wearing it anymore. We need to get a new collar. Will we get a collar with a bell? Will it be too noisy?

Where is the cat’s name tag? The one in the shape of a cat or the one in the shape of a love heart? Is it pink or red? What color is it?

What time does the vet open? Can we drop in or do we need to make an appointment?

The cat needs a new bed. What about a heated bed?

The cat doesn’t look well. Does he usually look like that?

The cat hasn’t eaten his dinner. Do you think he’s okay? Who will feed the cat when we are away? What if the cat won’t eat while we are away?

Do you think the cat has put on weight? Is the cat too thin?

Do you think we should change his food now that he is older?

How old is the cat? When is the cat’s birthday? Maybe we should have a little birthday party for the cat.

5. Cats Are Great Company For Senior Citizens

It is well accepted that pets are good for mental health, and increasingly, pets are making their way into nursing homes.

Cats enable senior citizens, even those who may have a significant medical condition, to show love and affection and take some responsibility for caring for a cat.

For many residents caring for or having a pet as part of their everyday surroundings may help to stimulate memories of times past when caring for other animals.

It is not just senior citizens in nursing homes who benefit.

This article examines the effect pet ownership has on the mental and emotional health of adults living alone.

Cats are also relatively easy for seniors to take care of and small things like using a long handled litter scoop and raised cat bowls, makes it easier for seniors to manage the physical tasks associate with cat ownership.

senior woman holding her cat
Who is looking the most contented here?

6. Cats Form An Attachment To Us And Us To Them

It is exciting to bring a kitten or cat into the family and adopt a new furry family member.

The cat is going to give you years of joy, love, and companionship. It is a bond that is unique to your family.

Over that time, you (and your family) will form strong attachments to your kitty. You will recognize his quirks and funny habits, and in turn, he will be able to predict some of your behaviors.

We all know how persistent (feel free to substitute manipulative, annoying, feral, or cute?) kitties can be around food time, especially first thing in the morning.

Because we love our cats, we look after them, we give them love and attention, we play with them and make sure that all their physical needs are met.

We anticipate what kitty is not able to tell us, and we take him to the vet if we have any concerns about his health.

Some cats will jump onto a lap and hunker down for the night while others like their own space.

two cute kittens

7.Cats Are Good For Our Physical Health

Dogs perhaps have the upper-hand in this category as taking the dog on a daily walk is mandatory for almost all dog owners.

Cat owners do not tend to take their cats for a walk although, the other day I did see a very cute white cat, in a fashionable pink harness, going for a walk with her owner.

They were doing okay plus getting plenty of attention.

This article examines the positive effects that pet ownership can have on reduction of stress and blood pressure which may lead to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.

Even if we are not physically taking cats for a walk there is still a certain amount of physicality required to look after and care for a cat.

Playful kittens need entertaining and some cats are high maintenance and require daily grooming which is a physical activity.

kitten playing

8. Cats And Children With ASD

This study investigated the benefits of cat ownership for children with ASD.

This information may be of interest to parents of children with ASD. There are limitations with the study that are explained, however it may be of interest if you are thinking of getting a cat and also have a child with ASD.

Although many studies has been done regarding the value of pets for in a typical family and for adults and children with special needs, there was little known about the behavior of cats around children with ASD.

In the first part of the trial, data was gathered in a web based survey from families who had a cat and a child with ASD. The behavioral questions were specific to the the behavior of the cat in relation to the child with ASD.

The second part of the trial was conducted by a telephone interview. The emphasis was to determine the cat’s behavior and interaction with children who have ASD, less severe ASD or typical development.

Although there were noted limitations with this study which are explained clearly in the abstract, it is encouraging that the findings report as below:

Cats in households with an ASD child appeared to be affectionate and minimally aggressive with the ASD child.

Are you thinking of getting cat?

Create your own piece of history and add to your family. If a kitten is not going to be suitable consider adopting an older cat.

Before you know it you will be at the shelter picking up a kitty and your life will be changed forever.

All kids love reading stories about cats there are some great choices here.

If anyone needs persuading, this list of awesome reasons to own a cat will surely break their will and they will give in and of course promptly fall in love with the cat.

If kitty is happy everyone is happy!

Are there anymore reasons to own a cat? Probably!

Now that you have that adorable piece of fluff ensconced in the household and he is running the show or maybe you are in the still ‘thinking about it’ phase, read how to keep your kitty happy.

I’m so excited dear. A new member of the family about to join us. We can show him the ropes.

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